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Authors note: I am making Levi's and Y/N relationship a little more gradual, so it doesn't feel rushed. Don't worry though.. you will definitely see some action happen soon..


I dreamed of this. Expeditions. I always thought how wonderful the outside world would be. I want to explore and venture greenery outside the walls. But talking about the outside is frowned upon. I never quite understood why. But I might understand today.

We and our horses gallop away from the gates. It's beautiful and so big. There is so much greenery in the distance. Right now we are galloping on a plain field. I can't see any titan in the area. I just enjoy myself riding my horse.

The formation currently is Erwin at the front, with Hanji and Levi either side of him. Behind them is the rest of us- Mikasa, Eren, Connie, Jean, Sasha, Armin, myself and many others. Every one is looking straight ahead, ready to kill Titans.

I still can't stop thinking about Levi. I know that what he did - he was just looking for serious injury. But for some reason it felt like more.

Oh god. The more I think, the more I realise my strong feelings for him.

But this isn't the time to get lovey-dovey. He so clearly dislikes me - there isn't any way to go back. I should just focus on the plains ahead.

'THERES AN ABNORMAL TO THE LEFT!' Armin yells, trying to overlay the sound of the horses gallops' and the stomps of titans.

'SPLIT!' Erwin shouts and fires a green smoke which led to everyone to either follow Erwin or Levi. My instructions led to me following Erwin, meaning that I parted some of the squad.

Connie was next to me and kept looking back to see the abnormal titan charging toward us. Erwin kept looking ahead, whilst Mikasa steadily got out her ODM gear and boosted herself in the air.

'MIKASA' Jean cried, seeing Mikasa flying into the air.

'Don't worry,' I say, 'it's Mikasa'. Jean frowns and looks ahead.

We gallop across the field, hearing Titans fall to the floor left and right. I turn around to see in the distance a titan running toward us. I ready myself and boost myself into the air backwards, turning mid air and eyeing the troops from above. I boost myself once again, to get a higher scope of the titan. I notice that it isn't an Abnormal, allowing me to be more direct with my hits. I allow myself to fall backward whilst taking my weapon and swiftly slice the nape of the titan. I grin slightly at my success and boost myself once again to land back onto my horse.

'Well done all.' Erwin says, 'Let's keep moving'.

We continue to charge forward when I notice something at the side of my eye. I snap my head around and see a tall female titan charging Levi's troops.

What the hell. That's abnormally fast. Could it be an abnormal?

Before I manage to say anything, Erwin yells:
'Three abnormal, one normal to the right!' And sets off black smoke.

Sure enough there are four titans storming toward us. We charge forward, pressuring our horses to go faster but the titans catch up to us.

I'm at the back of the formation, meaning I was closest to the titans.

What should I do? If I keep moving forward, I'll get crushed. But knowing Erwin, he knows that won't happen. He has a plan for everything.

I try and entrust my fate to Erwin, not allowing my emotions take the better of me.

'KEEP MOVING FORWARD.' Erwin yells, but a titan swipes my horse, making my horse to topple over and myself to be on the ground. Dazed, I pull my strength and jump back on my horse to rejoin Erwin, however, the titans are blocking the way for me to get back.

Where should I go?
If I go toward Erwin, I will most definitely die. It's impossible to get through them without loosing my horse.

For some reason, I steer my horse into the direction of Levi's troops. I don't think they are too far ahead - I have a higher chance of survival this way.

Shit am I going to die?

I panic whilst I make my horse run faster. All I see is greenery - with tall crowding trees - not good for my horse but I can loose the titans. It was my best option.

I continue forward. I see Levi's troops and signal behind them. Eren turns around to see me and beckons me over. I make my way over at the back. Levi is in the front of the formation and peers back to see me. He makes no different expression from what he normally has. He turns back.

'How the hell did you manage to outrun that?' Levi said.
'Outrun what?' I ponder.

There the titan was. The titan I saw a while back. I must have taken a short cut if I had out run it. It's massive.

As Levi and his troops progress faster, I kick my horse to go faster too, but it whimpers, making me notice it's wound.
Eren looks back at me and sees the wound.

I get worried, knowing that my horse will loose it's strength and make us get killed.

'Shit.' Eren says. All of a sudden, his eyes widen. His breathing escalates and he extends his arm.


But it was too late. I felt my horses back legs being crushed behind me. I was suddenly being swept upward by her massive hand and feel myself being lifted in the air. I am terrified. I don't know how to move anymore - her restricting grip made me hear something crack, leading me to wail in pain.

I'm dying. I'm about to get eaten.

I close my eyes to prepare myself. I feel her hot breath on my body. I feel myself get closer and closer to her.

I hear a loud roar, but not from a titan but from a person. I suddenly feel her grip lighten and feel myself falling.

What just happened. Did she put me down??

I look upward and see that her hand has been cut off, and now I was just a person in a falling hand. I tried to reach for my ODM gear, but my injury prevented me from doing so, therefore I just allowed myself to fall.

But once again, her grip lightens completely, and I open my eyes to see that her fingers has also been cut off, leading me to plummet to my death. But before I could fall to my death, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me through the air. I look to my side - it's Levi. I wail sharply, as I feel him pressing against my injury.

'Tch' He whispers.

Whilst we are in the air, he takes his free hand and holds my chin upward.

'Tch' He repeats, he looks back down to the horses and pushes us toward them.

He glides me down toward his horse and makes me clutch onto his back, so I ride on the back of his horse. I clutch him tightly but I feel my right arm get heavier and heavier.

'Captain.' I groan. A stabbing pain shoots my right arm. Levi turns his head to see my head falling backward.

I feel...so..dizzy...

'Shit.' Levi says. 'Oi!' He says, lifting my head forwards. 'Can you hear me?'

'Captain...?' I mutter. I feel myself come back to reality.

'Stay with me.' Levi turns to look at me. He looks distressed.

'I..am.' I moan. I wrap my arms around his waist, feeling his ODM gear and his stomach. I look at his face - he's frowning.

'Everyone keep going forward.' He yells whilst trying to keep still so I don't fall off.

But my arms seem to get heavier and heavier and I don't have strength to hold on.

'Oi! Brat!' Levi yells to me. 'Are you still with me?'

'Yessss....' I hiss and close my eyes.

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