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I turn around. To my horror, I see a tall titan tower over us. It's probably around 14m. It crushes two of our members, along with their horses. I go pale. I boost myself away, picking up one member at the back. A second later and she would have been crushed.

She nods at me and I release her from my grip. She propells herself toward the rest of our members. She manages to swoop another injured person and flies to Levi's horse as it was the furthest from the Titan.

I remain flying in the air, my face dropping from seeing my peers on the floor. Angrily, I boost myself toward it. It watches me. It's trying to predict my movements.

It's an abnormal.

I wouldn't have spotted that if it weren't for Levi's advice.

I boost myself again, far into the air - more than needed, and angled my body so I dive sharply through the air. I felt my tears chisel past my face whilst the strong wind pushed me. I ready my swords, but instead of going for the nape - I wanted to make it pay.

I took my swords and threw it in its eyes. It roared, covering its eyes. I ran up it's arms and copied Levi's moves - I propelled my body to and angle whilst boosting myself so I slash its arm. I do the same to it's other arm.

I scream whilst I dive down to its legs, slashing its left leg and slashing the other. Limbless, it crashes down.

I land infront of it.

I want it to suffer.

'Oi.' Levi calls.

I steer my head.

'Finish it off.' He says, on his horse.

I ignore him. I want to see this titan suffer. It took out some of our men. But was my true source of anger because of our fallen men? My mind began circling and circling.

I hear a horse galloping toward me. I'm pretty sure it's Levi about to yell at me to finish it off.

But I just lay there. I don't want to do what he tells me. After all, no matter what I do or say, he will think of me as nothing - just like he always has done.

I just-

I feel myself rise into the air. The titan has regenerated its limbs and rage fully picks me up to put me in its mouth.

What am I going to do?

I try fighting it but again, it's grip is too tight.

Levi. Where are you?

Please save me. I know you hate me. Someone save me.

I close my eyes.

I hear a shout. Is it from a titan? It sounds familiar.

I suddenly feel my body being flung at high speed.

I'm free. It let me go!

I go to boost myself but I don't feel a change.


I used all the gas on that one titan.

I have no more air left.

Then I feel myself fall.........

And fall.......

And fall.....

And fall...


'Oi' I call. She doesn't respond to me. She's just standing in-front of the titan.

I turn my horse around toward her.

'Finish it off.' I yell.

This woman doesn't listen.

The next thing I see is the titan picking her up. I can't see her face or her body.

Is she dead??

If she's dead, I would see some blood.

I roar as I boost myself upward and slash its hand just before she enters its mouth. It screams. I don't see her fall out of its hand.

The angle of which I cut the hand, she should be.....

I see her, in the air, falling, behind the titan.

How did she get there?? The titan must have prepared to throw her into her mouth, but because I slashed it first, she was still mid air.

She's falling. I won't make it.

Why am I so anxious? She means nothing to me. She's just another soldier who...

I boost toward her again.

Shit. I'm going to run out of gas at this point.

I boost myself upward, giving me more time to see where she is.

I see her.

She's still falling.

I can't make it.

I can't make it.

'SHIT!' I yell in the air.

I boost myself once more.

She's falling.

I look around her, and see that she is falling near a lake.

The situation just got a little better. She can fall in there. Wait. The water tension. It will kill her. It's just as useless as ground.

Is she conscious?? I can signal to her.

She isn't responding.


She's going to die.

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