He stood straight, as though he couldn't believe what had just happened and what he just heard. Taking a glimpse of his wristwatch, he figured if he stayed with this girl, she would likely have him even more late than he was already. He hissed when he stared back at how she was fuming and wished he wasn't as gentle as he actually was, he would have slapped her senses back into that thick skull. "Do you know what? You're an idiot. I don't know what gives you the impression that I'd apologize to you over something that's clearly your fault. I don't know what you're doing in an airport..." he let his words trailed off as his gaze quickly wandered back to the trolley she was holding, her knuckles getting pale at the way she was tightly holding the hook, a murderous look in her eyes. "Or where you're even traveling to. But really, maybe you're heading to a train station and lost your way?" There was a mocking look in his eyes and the smirk he had plastered on his face was ever so prominent that even though Anna knew he would forever be powerful than her, she wanted to give punching his face a try.

"You called me an idiot?" She scoffed, as though she couldn't even believe her ears. She stared at the name banner on his left breast and called out his name, "Jack Roberts." Her gaze lingered up and down his attire and that was when she realized who he was. "Oh, so just because you're a pilot..." she palmed her face to help calm herself down because if she didn't calm down, she might do the worse and that would only delay her from getting to her flight and getting to Nate. "Just because you're a quack pilot, you dare call me an idiot? I don't know what you really are, because apart from being an asshole, you're clearly dumb and so stupid." She giggled, in such a way she was sure would rile him up, "You even have the guts to say I should have been in the train station? So thoughtful of you, and you would have been a gardener in one of my mansions, or worst..." her glaring eyes scrutinized his body as though to know which category would best fit him but when she did, she hated to say that he was well built, his biceps were even poking out of his white sleeves. "Well," she flipped her hair back and poised a smirking look, "A bodyguard wouldn't look bad on you."

She could see the way he was both trying and failing at controlling his rage and all she wanted was for him to have an outburst of that so she would have an excuse of calling whatever agency he worked at. He moved toward her in such a powerful stride that even though discreetly, she took a step backwards. "Jack!" They all heard his name called and he stared between her and the caller before he walked away, his face a shade of red for what he felt in his heart that served him right.

"Jack?" She called him back and when he turned, she was certain that if he were standing a mere inches away from her, nothing could stop her from showing her fear outwardly. "Adhere to stay away from planes, for I'm sure you'd be the worst pilot to have ever live." She sensed the indecision from the way he took a step toward her then toward his obvious colleague that was staring at him urgently, "Stupid!" She yelled out again, not minding the way some of the travelers turned their eyes on her to see who she was referring to.

She flipped back her hair and walked over to the waiting area and sat down, feeling fulfilled. She knew she would have bursted out of anger if he hadn't told him all that she wanted and the look on his face was everything. As she waited, a call from her secretary came through, and even though scowling her face, she picked it up. "What is it, Julia?" She questioned.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. But your Mother just called, she wants me to cancel your flight and I thought I should let you know before doing that..." that made her abruptly stand up.

"What do you mean? If you dare do that, Julia, I'll make sure you regret that." She ended the call and just when she was about to call back her Mother to lay other frustration on her, she heard their flight being called, and she decided not to do that. It would only be some hours, and she would be Florida together with Nate, and all of this wouldn't matter anymore.

She remembered the way he smiled, the way his body felt against hers, the way he held her as though he was a priced possession he couldn't dare loose. A slow smile graced her lips as she stood up to board her plane, she wanted to call him and decided not to. The whole plot of this was to surprise him and in three days, they would have their three years anniversary! Which was what drove her to pay him a visit. Last year they didn't spend their anniversary together, she wanted to have a blast this time and hopefully, a proposal, right?

He would propose to her, of course. He loved her and he had been indirectly asking her about marriage recently. She couldn't wait for him to propose to her so she could proudly revoke her mother' swords of him being a bad guy. And in her words, "I know bad guys when I see them, Anna. Nate will only break your heart, I'm so sure of this." And of course, every time her mother had said this, she had argued with her and mostly, they ended up fighting about it. And she so badly wanted to prove her mother right.

She knew Nate will never break her heart, he loved her so much to do that to do. In fact, in their relationship, he loved more. With a new wave of confidence and eagerness to meet the love of her life, Anna walked over and boarded her plane. She walked over to her sit and sat down, and beside her was an old woman that warmly smiled at her and being soothed by Nate's thoughts, she smiled back at the woman, nodded her head before she sat back.

She stared at her bare hands and thought that by the time she would be boarding the next plane, she would be the would be bride of Nathaniel Clayton. And in a few months, she would be Mrs. Clayton, how amazing did that sound? She muffled her giggle with her palms and buckled her seat belt as ordered. And then the commanding voice of the pilot engulfed the plane.

"Hello, my name is Jack Roberts and I'll be your pilot..." She didn't have to hear the next words he had to utter for her to know who it was and who the voice belonged to. She thought she had already declared him a quack pilot? Then he would most likely getting them burnt in the air and when they would next land on earth, it would only be their ashes.

She tried to stand up to go and mete them and ask them to change a pilot for them when a flight attendant came over to her with a smile, "Can you please get back on your seat, Ma'am? We're taking off now."

Anna wanted to talk, or even argue with her, but then all the occupants of the Business class were staring at her with curiosity in their eyes. She could only nod her head with a faint smile and firmly held her fingers together. She was getting nauseous as the plane began to take off, and when she checked her bag for her pills, they weren't there. Well, she thought she was an adult, wasn't she?

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