Chapter One

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She was hurrying down the the departure hall, the distant voices of travelers filling her ears as she tried so hard to concentrate so hard on what her nagging mother was saying to her over the phone. She shifted the phone from her left to right ear and when she hissed, she made sure it went unheard to her rumbling mother. "I don't understand what you mean, Mother. You know so well that I'm not coming back, right?"

She was sure that hit home, for her Mother was nearly murderous at the sound that escaped her lips. "Anna, what are you trying to say? You have to come back home, I told you there's no way you're visiting that bunch of-"Before the insult came, because it always did, Anna stopped her Mother.

"Mom!" She yelled, her angry getting more prominent that she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to. "I've told you several times that you have to stop insulting Nate, didn't I? Why are you doing this? He's the man I love and sorry, but I'm already in the airport and my flight is in the next fifteen minutes. I'll call you when I land." She was barely fuming when she said that. She didn't know what was with her Mother and Nate. He was a good guy, why couldn't she see that for god's sake? And he was handsome too, she thought Mom always loved handsome men and it didn't matter whether he was her age or not?

"What?!" Her Mother screamed and Anna had to take the phone away from her ears, for the next words might rupture her eardrums if she risked that happening. "The hell you are in the airport already! What do you mean? Since when did you start traveling alone? Where's your assistant? Give her the phone, you need to come back home now, Anna!" Anna would have laughed this off if she were together with her Mother. But why bother nag and become angry over this? Her Mother knew so well that when she set her heart into something, she would have to do it no matter what.

But instead, it riled her up. "I'm an adult, Mom. I'm 22 years old for god's sake, you can't be controlling my life. Look, don't bother calling me again if you know-" She was silenced when a strong shoulder nearly knocked her off and when she closed her eyes to embrace the embarrassment that came along with getting her butt on the ground, strong arms took over her waist until she was standing firmly on her feet. But that didn't lessen her anger, she was fuming!

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" She yelled, shrugging his hands off from her waist and he looked at her, he was staring at her as though he had saved her life and instead of a thank you, he was getting an insult.

"Anna, your medication?" She heard Mom's voice from the other end and that was when she remembered she was having a phone call and she had to catch a flight in how many minutes? She looked over her wristwatch and rolled her eyes exasperatedly. It looked like today wasn't her day after all, was it?

"You don't need to remind me of my medication, Mom. I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. Bye." She ended the call before her Mother got another excuse to anger her even more and when she looked at the man that stood beside her, maybe ready to apologize or...

He put a halt on her thought when he replied her back, equally angry as well. "I'm sorry, Miss. but you got on my way too, you're walking without being careful of your front and in fact, I saved your ass from getting to the floor, didn't I?" Okay, he wasn't going to apologize after all, from the way she saw things, he would likely demand for an apology from her.

She put her phone back into her handbag and firmly held the hook of her trolley. "Do you know what? I don't even know what to describe you as. So you even have the guts to tell me this? This is your freaking excuse for nearly taking me down? That I'm on the phone?!" She was yelling at her, with her eyes closed as she wanted to exhaust her anger on him. She knew if she wasn't in a bad mood already, she would have both apologized and thank him before she would walk off but nah, he would be the receiver of everything she had held back from telling her mother.

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