Simply Meant To Be - Part 01

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Description: Wei Wuxian moved into a small village known as Cloud Recesses. Despite feeling bonded to the unfamiliar place, he had a rough time sleeping at night when an unknown voice kept calling his name.

Wanting to rid the voice from invading his sane mind, Wei Wuxian found a new hobby; jogging. It helped.

However, during one of his afternoon exercises, he found himself lost within Cloud Recesses forest where he stumbled upon an ancient burial site and the owner of the said voice that's been haunting his dreams.

Tags: #GhostLanWangji


Wei Wuxian wanted to move into a village known to very few as Cloud Recesses. Far away from the advanced world, the village held deep roots from where it stood high above one of China's largest mountains. 

And although the people from Cloud Recesses lived well in the twenty-first century, with electricity, modern vehicles, and paper money, It's a downgrade most would say, considering Wei Wuxian spent all years of his life living within the big city of Shanghai. 

If Wei Wuxian were the same person he once so happened to be a few years prior, he would've said the same. But after spending many tiring times slaving day in and day out for a job that held little to no regard for his well-being, Wei Wuxian figured, perhaps his life lacked something. 

That something Wei Wuxian wasn't sure of at first until one day he found himself scrolling through hundreds of getaway articles in hopes of taking a few weeks vacation at most. And when he stumbled upon Cloud Recesses, a village that catered little to no visitors, Wei Wuxian's mind clicked.

Like a higher calling, Wei Wuxian lost it and deemed that's where he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Wei Wuxian's friends and coworkers in Shanghai thought he'd finally lost his marbles when he quit his job and sold everything he owned before biding his farewell. His friends tried to stop him. He's making a mistake, they said. But Wei Wuxian's mind had already made up.

After weeks of traveling by plane, a car, two bikes and a boat, Wei Wuxian eventually made it. Standing at the center of Cloud Recesses loud market, Wei Wuxian couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. The place wasn't much, a modest village crowded with farmers and old-people. A few rugged-looking children with bright smiles and pretty ladies, it was everything he could ask for and more. And although the villagers - who wore rags when compared to what Wei Wuxian was used too back in the city, gave him odd glances and lusty stares, Wei Wuxian smiled, bowed, and went on his way. 


It took Wei Wuxian a week - if not two, to finally get settled in Cloud Recesses. He bought himself a plot of land not too far away from the market. Perfect for farming, Wei Wuxian thought when he had a small cabin built. A temporary housing for the time being, Wei Wuxian figured when he filled the insides of his home with memories of back home and new trinkets he found interesting when revisiting Cloud Recesses market. 

Two months later, Wei Wuxian proudly called himself a farmer when the first batch of potatoes sprouted from the rich soil he spent many days admiring. 

Within those two months, he traveled back to Shanghai once when he concluded farming alone wasn't enough to help him get the comfortable life he dreamt of having in Cloud Recesses. So with the help of his friends, Wei Wuxian bought pretty trinkets in Shanghai. And when he returned to Cloud Recesses, he opened a shop in the market and deemed himself a satisfied owner. 

After spending days exploring all Cloud Recesses had to offer, another month drifted by. Despite loving the majestic cascades, snow crystals that blew through the cracks at night. Lush forest floors and the eerie feeling of familiarity, Wei Wuxian soon found that his nights shortly turned sleepless, for something - a strange feeling, kept nudging at his insides whenever he slept. 

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