"Have you heard of the Cherry Blossom?" 'Bingo'


"The Shinko was a group that had decimated the Hitachi and Hanako families." Sakura brought up.

"How do you know about that?"Ino asked.

"I spent a lot of time in the library when I was little, though that's about all I really know about the Shinko." Sakura finalized, but Ino gave her a look that spoke about how she knew she was hiding something. Sakura looked away from her piercing gaze.

"Interesting information Miss Haruno." The Tsuchikage nodded and folded his hands under his chin. He looked off unto the distance, "That still doesn't explain what they are doing in my territory. Please check it out at this location." He unfolded his hand and took out a map from his desk. He pointed to a circled area twice.



A man was walking out of the bar at night until he was grabbed and tugged into an alley.

"Not to intrude, but I seemed to have overheard your conversation earlier and I couldn't help but notice that we have a goal for a similar person." Sasuke gruffed out.

"Whoever you are looking for man, it's not who you think." The guy said as he waved his hand around frantically. Sasuke grabbed the wrist and looked him in the eye.

"Cherry Blossom?"


"I could answer a few questions if you come and meet someone. We could....help each other out."


The Konoha team was venturing the little settlement that was told to be the next target. They were split two and two, Ino and Sakura, and Shikamaru and Chouji. It was quiet between the two (Sakura and Ino) when Ino broke the silence with a question.

"What are you hiding forehead?"


"No, no excuses, you don't have to tell me everything, but you have been acting differently for some reason especially when the Shinko was brought up. What's wrong?"

"Ino...I don't know what to say."

"The truth, at least how you feel. I feel helpless seeing you go through all this pain when as your friend I'm supposed to be there for you. How can I help you if I don't know what's wrong. Once again, you don't have to tell me everything, but give me something."

"Ino, I've been keeping so many secrets I don't think you understand. If you found out about all of them you would lose all trust in me."

"Well you will lose me if you neglect me too." Ino said, she stopped walking and looked at the ground. Sakura stopped ahead of her and looked at her in realization 'Have I really been neglecting you Ino?'

"Let's go in there, and I'll tell you about the Shinko and how I really know about them." Sakura said as she pointed towards a bar.


"My parents are dead." Ino's eyes widened.

"Wha-, How? When?"

"They've been dead since I've been young." Ino's eyes began to water.

"But I've seen Mebuki around and-"
"That was me hengeing as her." Sakura cut her off.
"But why hide this?"

"I-I was afraid. I was afraid of being taken away to the orphanage." Sakura stuttered sounding very unsure herself.

"How have you been providing for yourself and taking care of the house?"

"I still have an Uncle who provides a monthly income." Ino took a deep breath to prepare herself for the next question.

"How- how did they die?"

"That's where the Shinko come in."

"I don't understand."

" My mother's maiden name is Hitachi. I survived because I hid, and my mom. My mom fought back."

"Sakura, I'm so sorry." Ino said as she placed her hand on Sakura's. A tear rolled down Sakura's cheek as she stared into Ino's shimmering blue eyes. "I'm sorry I made you share, and I'm sorry I let my selfishness control instead of letting you take your time."

"Ino, you were right. I was neglecting you. I needed to tell you eventually, I was just as selfish." Sakura took a shaky breath and was about to continue when she overheard something.

"Wha-?" Sakura put a finger to Ino's lips and pointed to her ears signaling her to listen.

"A guy the other day with a cloak had a girl's name on the back. I think it was Shinko? Yeah he was asking around about the Cherry Blossom and what her affiliation was." Sakura and Ino's eyes widened. 'Oh Shit.' Sakura thought 'I was praying it wasn't about me.'


A/N- I hope you enjoyed! More things will begin to make more sense as it goes on. I'm sorry for the late updates, I'm very busy!! Sorry for any Misspellings or grammatical errors.


1227 Words.

Some Things Are Best Unknown.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon