Chapter 5

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A/N- WASSUP! Anyway, I would like to apologize for any grammatical errors and misspellings. I am not a genius like some people. This chapter is going to be a bit long, I may or may not split it into two.



Sometimes, the pink-haired kunoichi has to transform into her parents so people don't get suspicious. She is very good a fooling the people around her. Well, one day Haruno Mebuki was walking back to her house from a recent trip to the grocery store, when she ran into the Inoichi Yamanaka. She was a little scared, for Sakura is used to fooling civilians not shinobi.

"Hello Haruno-san. It's been a while since I seen you around."

"Hello there Yamanaka-san! My husband and I just got back from our trip! We will be heading out again sadly, sooner rather than later."

"Well I'm glad that you are back. I know your daughter seems to miss you alot."

"Oh, I know. Poor Sakura-chan is such a sweetheart and we try are hardest to keep in touch as much as possible, but sometimes the distance is too much. She is such a good child though, worries me to pieces, but I couldn't ask for a more understanding daughter." Sakura was trying her hardest to milk it. She knew mothers tend to endlessly talk about their children, if she tried hard enough she may be able to scare away the male.

"I understand completely, my little princess is a very confident young lady and I couldn't be prouder to have such a strong kunoichi as my daughter." 'ABORT ABORT' was running through Sakura's head at that moment. The plan wasn't working, he looked like he was going to give a speech about the young Yamanaka known as his daughter. Well, talk was not something to scare away this male.

"Well, it was nice talking to you, but the ice cream that I bought is melting as we speak in this heat. I should really be returning to my family now, I haven't been with all of them in a few months and I would like to spend time with my little cherry blossom. Ja!"

"I understand completely. Have a lovely day Haruno-san."

"You as well Yamanaka-san." Then Mebuki walked home while Sakura gave a mental breath of relief. Hopefully the male was not suspicious.

Meanwhile with Yamanaka-san...

"There was something off about her and I just can't put my finger on it." He said aloud as he walked into the flower shop.


"Is she your girlfriend?" It was such an innocent question, and she didn't know how to respond to it. She was just walking with Naruto, when his three followers showed up.


"If you finish that this fist will find a new home in your face." Sakura said cassually.

"No. She is not my girlfriend." Naruto said while sweating profusely.

"I was going to say you could do better boss, I mean look at that abnormally large forehead."

"You better watch your mouth mister, don't think I won't hit you because your the honorable grandson."

"And she is a monster."

"That's it!" Sakura yelled.  The boy paled. Then he ran. She chased. And then he ran into something, or more like someone.

"Watch where your going punk."


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