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(Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery)

Ever since we were kids me and Draco had never kept secrets from each other and I was keeping the biggest one ever from him, until it got out. I wanted to make it right.

"Draco open the door we need to talk" I whispered, it was late and I didn't want to wake anyone up. There was no response so he clearly didn't hear me.

"Draco, can I come in?" still no response.

I push open the door and that's when I see it, another girl sitting on top of him as they make out, I didn't know whether to feel angry or sad but I do know that I feel betrayed, I didn't know nor care who was the girl because he really meant it when he said the kiss meant nothing, well it meant something to me. I see his head move to see me standing there, a tear rolls down my cheek and I run out the door. I could hear him shouting my name but I didn't stop running, I ran until I couldn't feel my legs, I had to get away, far away just until I could face him again. I couldn't just jump on a train and never look back, so I wrote a letter, he will find it eventually.

lost in your eyes (Draco fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin