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(as the world caves in by Matt Maltese)

Ever since me and Draco kissed things have been weird between us, even the group have notice things being different.

"what everyone doing this weekend?" daphne asks to create conversation, not because she actually wants to know, we've all been sitting in silence for the past 5 minutes. It seems the silence resumes as nobody responds.

"what if we all meet at the leaky cauldron." She sparks up with, we all nod but don't say anything, she gets up and leaves clearly frustrated. One by one so does everybody else


I swear I'm always first when we meet, I sit alone and wait hoping that everyone is actually going to come. Just when I'm about to leave Draco walks in the door and our eyes meet, they're just as beautiful as they were on that night. He comes and sits opposite me.

"I'm sorry Blaise, about the kiss" I was waiting for that and now I had it, I thought something would change.

"its fine" I respond

"I didn't even mean to it was just in the moment" he looks worried

"Draco, its fine, it didn't mean anything to me either" I didn't like lying to him but sometimes you had too because it meant we could go back to the way things were, even if that maybe wasn't what I wanted.


Me and Draco ended up chatting until it became dark and we were kicked out, nobody else turned up.

"hey Blaise, before we go back can I show you somewhere" Draco was never nervous around me, but he was right now.

"of course." How could I miss the opportunity?


Draco takes me to a place iv never seen, even in my whole time at Hogwarts

"it's beautiful" I say as I turn around, Draco was laying in the grass watching the stars, I lay down next to him and look up. I wish the moment would never end, Draco talking about the stars, I dint understand a word coming out of his mouth but I listened anyway, his voice was angelic and being next to him was like being next to my soulmate, if only.

"I've never taken anyone here before, I usually come here to clear my head, you know to be alone" he smiles at me

"so, I must be very special" I giggle.

"you mean so much to me blay" this boy likes to play with my emotions.

"sucks I don't feel the same way." I joke

"oh really "he plays along

"oh, your so gonna pay for that" he turns over and tickles me, I bust out laughing and so does he, I couldn't catch my breath

"Draco, stop" I say through laughter

"never, I am the tickle monster!" he continues and we both cant breath from laughter.

lost in your eyes (Draco fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now