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(Do I wanna know? by Artic Monkeys)

As I slowly open my eyes, I see the emerald walls of the Slytherin dormitory, the lake reflecting sapphire blue on the floor and Draco Malfoy at the end of my bed, Draco Malfoy? What is he doing here?

"morning blay" he snickered. I quickly sat up.

"Draco what are you doing here" I say in a sleepy voice. He smiled but he didn't look happy

"you slept in" he responded

"it's really not a big deal, I sleep in almost every day"

"you missed my quidditch match" he said, aggravated.

My heart dropped; how could I miss his quidditch match? I knew how much it meant to him and his parents were always too busy to watch them, I was the one that was there for him, I always had, I vowed to him in the first year that I would never miss one and last time I did he cried and lost, but this time it was like he had no emotion he wasn't sad but he was far from happy.

"I'm so sorry Draco" I felt terrible

"sorry? You miss my quidditch match and you say sorry." He was so arrogant sometimes.

"do you know what Draco; the world doesn't revolve around you!" I snap back

"no, it doesn't, but quidditch is the one thing I care about more then, I don't know, you?" did he just say that he cares about me more then anything, besides quidditch. So, he really does care about me. I dint know what to say.

"did you win?"

He paused.

"doesn't matter, you weren't there so it doesn't count"

He walked out and slammed the door behind him. Chills ran down my spine, I'd never seen him like this before but I liked it and I didn't understand why.

lost in your eyes (Draco fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now