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(Dead to me by Kali Uchis)

"Draco stop tapping your quill on the desk, its distracting" he taps it louder, "I'm gonna kill you one day"

"id like to see you try blay" he smirks.

"no talking during my class, 5 points from Slytherin" Snape shouts across the classroom. How could he hear us from all the way over here? It doesn't matter I should be concentrating, which wouldn't be that hard if Draco would just stop tapping his quill. I grab it from his hand and throw it in the bin.

"good job blay, now I can't write." He complains

"should've listened to me" I smile.


Finally, potions is over and I can get back to the common room. But then, Draco grabs my arm, and just then the memories come flooding back from that night, I kept trying to forget it but of always comes back.

"Blaise? Are you okay?" he says.

"uh, yeah I'm fine" I manage to get out, but again I'm falling into his eyes, I turn around and run before I say or do anything that I will regret.


"I completely freaked out" I explain to the girls

"I think I know why" pansy pipes up

"why" I need to know

"you like him" no I don't, I can't.

"you've got it wrong" I mumble

"but have we?" no. but they don't need to know that

"Tell us what happened in the corridor and why you can't forget it" they can't know that either

"it doesn't matter. "I say

"we will find out, so you might as well tell us" they wont find out, nobody will just as nobody will know what I feel for draco.

lost in your eyes (Draco fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon