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(Easy-Remix by DaniLeigh)

"There is a lake not far from Hogwarts and its supposedly got sirens living in it" pansy exclaims to the group.

"pansy, I'm sure that's not true, the teachers would've warned us by now if it was" Daphne seems worried, almost as if she said it to reassure her self and not to prove a point.

"well, there's no way to prove it so just drop it pansy" Draco rolls his eyes, somehow, he always knows a way to be rude.

"sorry to burst your ego Draco but there actually is, what if we go for a swim there?" the idea sounded crazy in my head but I still said it out loud.

"no, no, no I will no sit here while you go and get yourself killed" I couldn't tell if Draco was saying that to stop us going or he actually cared, it's not always obvious. I didn't know what to say then it hit me.

"then come with us" I challenged him

"oh, hell no, do you think I'm stupid blay?" I knew he would refuse

"come on Draco don't be such a pussy" Theodore taunted him and everyone laughed.

"coming from the boy that is sacred of professor Snape," Theo looked embarrassed and I was losing all hope that Draco would come until, "but fine ill come, just to make sure you all don't die." Yes! I knew he couldn't resist.

sorry this chapters short, it was originally 1 long chapter but it was way too long so I split it into 2 

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