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(Daddy issues by the Neighbourhood)

The lake looks beautiful tonight, the stars reflect a pretty pattern on the surface. As it got later, I was scared nobody would show but then Daphne and pansy turn up wearing the most beautiful bathing suits I've ever seen, pansy's was purple with shimmering accents and Daphne's was dark green with frilled edges, they both complimented their bodies so much and they made my bikini look boring it was just plain black after all.

"you guys look stunning, but I thought we all agreed on bikinis" I awkwardly smile.

"sorry Blaise, me and pansy just thought it would be too cold" Daphne was so sweet. I couldn't help but forgive them

"its okay, lets just wait for the boys too turn up"

After a while, Theo, Dan and Draco all turned up. Everyone was ready to get in expect Draco, of course.

"Draco why aren't you wearing any swimwear?" I ask.

"did you think I would really get in? Blay you're my best friend you should know better. "he smirks

"whatever, who's getting in first?" suddenly everyone seems less keen to get in, I guess they didn't really realize how scared they were until they actually had to get in the lake. "okay, me then."

As I jumped in, I feel the freezing cold water all around me, its magnificent.

I bob above the water "see guys, there's nothing to worry about, its perf- "

Suddenly, I feel something with a strong grip and long sharp nails grab my leg and start dragging me down. I struggle to breathe but I can hear faint mumbles coming from the surface. Blaise. Somebodyhelpher. The sirens. Everything went black.


The first thing I see when I open my eyes is Draco. Millions of thoughts rush through my head. What happened? Am I alive? Did Draco save me? Although I manage to push them away and speak.

"I guess pansy was right" I smirk, everybody laughed.

"are you kidding me right now Blaise, you could've died and you're making a funny joke" Draco stares at me with furrowed brows, "your ridiculous."

Everybody's gone silent and Draco gets up and walks away, I slowly sit up and use all my energy to shout at him.

"ill see you at breakfast. Draco?Draco!" he ignores me and keeps walking until he's out of sight 

lost in your eyes (Draco fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz