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(fantasy by Bazzi)

Everything I didn't want to be true was, and I didn't like it. how long I would keep my true feelings for Draco a secret, I don't know but I do know that now is not a good time. Daphne and dan got together and don't get me wrong, I think its great I'm so happy for them, but I can't help but want it to be me.

"is everything okay with you at the moment blay, first you went crazy after potions now you're sitting here in silence while everyone is celebrating, its not like you at all." Draco sits beside me.

"What do you know about me Draco." I snap

"actually, a lot. So, what's going on grumpy" he shoves my arm. I wanted to tell him I really did, but I couldn't.

"I can't tell you."

"Are you serious, you can tell me anything blay" he puts his arm around me.

"I'm sorry but I really can't, I think I'm gonna go get some air" I get up and walk out, I went to the place we watched the stars together because he said that's where he goes when he wants to be alone so I thought I would try it.


He wasn't wrong, it was pretty relaxing except for the fact I only got about 5 seconds of privacy.

"I knew you would be here. I told you it was a good spot." Draco stated.

"It would be better if you weren't here" he sat on the grass next to me but didn't look at me, just straight ahead at the sunset, I don't blame him, it was stunning, the reds, oranges and yellows blend into one big picture.

"I really wish you could just tell me what's going on" he whispers

"me too"

lost in your eyes (Draco fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now