"Alex! Get out, go find Harrison." Tom yelled out, concentrating on hitting John to distract him from the fact that the woman was in fact just a few meters away from them. Just as Tom finished speaking, the door of the walk-in was thrown open and Alexie ran out. She took a short glance at Tom, noticing the blood coming out of his nose as well as the growing bruises all over his face. The sight of his bloody knuckles and face made her stomach twist into one big knot as she rushed out of the room.

She heard quite a lot of noises in the house, mostly furniture being broken and people shouting at each other. She was glad there weren't any gunshots or else she wouldn't have known what to do. Alexina hurried to Penelope and Harrison's room, where she guessed they would be waiting for her. The woman opened the door quickly and stepped inside the room, throwing the door shut behind her.

Instantly, she was met by Harrison with his gun raised - making her gasp and throw her arms up in the air. Quickly, he put down his gun and sighed deeply - grateful that it was her.   She put her hands back down by her sides, slowing her breathing in order to slow down her heartbeat as well. Harrison glanced at his watch before turning around to reach the window. He opened it, pulling against something on the other side of it before facing the two women in the room.

"Let's go." He announced, pointing at the window as Alexie frowned - is he really suggesting that we jump out the window? "There's a ladder for emergency escapes." He informed her, waving his hand at her so she'd hurry out of the house. Time was ticking for them.

In a matter of minutes, they were finally outside and rushing into the woods - where Harrison said they kept a getaway car close by. Though if you asked Alexie or Penelope, it was not close by. The car was in a garage a few kilometres away from the house - and Alexie was extremely surprised that no one knew the existence of it. There was a small road that lead directly to the garage and the woman supposed it would lead them directly into town.

Her thoughts were cut short by Harrison rushing them inside the car, quickly explaining to Alexina what was going to happen next. She was overwhelmed to say the least as well as extremely worried. Alexie had listened into John and Tom's conversation as well as witnessed their fight and she was worried about the outcome of it all. Tom seemed to be trying to rush Alexie out of here as he took the first opportunity to tell her to leave, but she had trouble understanding why he didn't follow behind. He could've, there was no doubt in her mind about that. John was weakened by Tom's fighting skills and Tom could've left if he wanted to.

Harrison sped down the road, telling Alexie all about the secret lodge in the woods - far far away from there. But the woman was too busy worrying about what was happening inside the house she had previously been living in. Most of all, she worried about Tom. She was well aware of how protective he was of her and how he'd never let an innocent person get hurt - but at what cost?

There was no way she would've made it out of there without his quick thinking and his quick reactions. She was grateful for him, even if she definitely wasn't before. Her heartbeat was finally steady even though her thoughts were running wild. She wasn't at ease yet, she needed to know Tom would be okay - that she didn't put him in danger.

"Okay-" She cut Harrison off gently, "But what about Tom? Where is he going to go?" Alexie asked and noticed from her seat in the backseat of the getaway car how Penelope glanced at Harrison - like she already knew the answer to that. Her lips were in a thin line and her eyes filled with tears, her whole facial expression screaming worry and fear. She knew was what going to happen and that only worried Alexina more. "Harrison?" She rushed out, leaning forward to take a better look at him. He bit his lip and shook his head before answering.

"Tom rigged our alarm system. If the passcode isn't punched in five minutes after someone comes in, knocks the door down or whatever," He paused, scratching his head nervously before clearing his throat, "A timer is set."

HIGH - Tom Hollandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن