Chapter 69

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AN: Question of the day: what's your fav movie genre? Mine is probably action or comedy.

😏😏 chapter 69, how much I wish I could make smexy😂😂

"Now everyone we are going to be heading to the next floor when they test different interaction games like V.R." The tour guide said excited to show them, "you guys have been great so I'll let you guys try one if our newest games!"

"Now that what I'm talking about!" Gwaine cheered along with Arthur.

They looked at each other for a split second and smirked. Turning from each other fast they were the first ones to get to the elevator.

"You guys seem excited." Merlin said which made Gwen chuckle.

"No kidding." Arthur laughed.

The tour guide and the teacher just smiled as followed behind the group. Once in the elevator he had hit the bottom for the next floor. Once the doors opened they saw tons of electronic games and such along with the long waited V.R. Section.

"Slow down!" The tour guide yelled as Arthur and Gwaine tried to run to the game.

Grumbling the both slowed down walking the same pase as the others.

"Ok so the new game we want you to try is a horror game called death do us part."

Merlin and Gwen shivered at the name but Gwaine and Arthur grinned.

"I'll sit this one out." Merlin nervously chuckled.

"Come on don't be a wuss it's just a game." Arthur taunted.

"Like your not scared!" Merlin argured.

"Of course I'm not I bet I won't even flinch." Arthur promised with a smirk.

"Well let's put that too the test." A worker said, "we have two open ones to use who want too."

"I will." Gwaine and Arthur said at the same time.

"Great!" She said as she took Gwaine and Arthur to their areas.

"So for this game we have a body suit to where to help the games real ness." The worked smiled bringing over a size medium-large suit for both of them.

Gwaine gladly put it on letting the suit hug him tightly. Arthur put it on too surprised they knew his size.

"Ok grab these and put this on!" She said as she handed The boys gloves and the V.R. Head sets.

"Thank you ma'am." Gwaine smiled as he put on everything.

"Thanks." Arthur said confident.

"Quick full before starting, if anything seem to be wrong with the game please remember for feedback this is just the beta test and if at any point you need to stop just call out Wonderland, also this is a demo version so it will be a shorter version of the game." The woman said before she started the game, "got it?"

"Ya but I'll be find, I'll probably beat it before Gwaine."Arthur smirked.

"Your on!" Gwaine clapped back.

The lady just smiled as she started to game.

"Their not going to last 10 minutes." Gwen chuckled.

"I bet 20." Merlin countered.

"Your on!" Gwen laughed.

The started in pitch black then a house showed up. It was dirty and seemed like it had not been cleaned in days.

"Where am I." A male voice in the video game.

Directions appeared on the screen telling them to move all they had to go was walk in place. Arthur and Gwaine both started to look around the old and dark house both going in opposite directions.

Arthur was the first to picture frame with what looked like a marriage photo of a wife and husband.

"That was our last happy day." The game said with a sad tone.

Arthur quickly figured out the man in the photo was his character. Gwaine soon after had found a different photo with the same people but this time at a restaurant.

"I miss the old you, baby." The video game had said.

Just as Gwaine turned around to keep looking a gust of wind had passed him and his character.

Arthur on the other hand had started to hear sound.

"Darling?" A faint voice had said.

Arthur stepped back and flinch in real life which made Merlin chuckle.

"So can I change my bet to five minutes?" Merlin laughed.

"Ya I was thinking the same thing." Gwaine smiled too.

Gwaine got more directions on his screen on how to pick up certain things which he quickly did. Grabbing a bat he started to look through the rest of the house.

Arthur though had just tried to look for an exit.

"Beca?" The man called out when Arthur stepped into the kitchen.

Just as Arthur turned the corner for the dinning room though a crash was heard up stairs backing Arthur jump.

"W-Who's there!" Arthur stuttered making Gwen laughed.

"So much for not being a wuss." Gwen laughed and so did Merlin.

Gwaine had come upon the same scene but instead of jumping he grabbed a knife and walked towards the sound.

"Where are you?" The drifting voice asked Gwaine as he hit the stairs.

Gwaine cautiously walked up the stairs holding a knife in one hand as a bat in the other.

Arthur did the opposite though he stayed down stairs and just looked into the dinning room where a strong gust of wind hit making Arthur turn in fear.

"Why won't you forgive me?" The faint voice of a woman asked.

Arthur grabbed a pillow seeing as it was the closest thing.

"S-Stay away!" Arthur stuttered not knowing where to go.

"It's been 2 years Beca!" The man said.

"Shut up shut up shut up!" Arthur said to the voice.

As Gwaine reached the bathroom he looked into the mirror seeing as it was foggy.

"Why did you leave me?" The voice asked.

Gwaine turned quickly to see nothing even though he swore it came from the shower.

"Cause your crazy!" The man yelled.

"You can't leave me!" The women yelled which this time came from the bedroom, "what about our vows!"

Gwaine ran the the room where the sound was seeing it was a room fit for a couple. Wind came past him again making Gwaine slightly jump.

When he turned Gwaine saw a shadow and walked to in curious. Once he reached the slow moving shadow he looked for what was making it.

Just as he looked over his shoulder he heard an ear piercing scream making him run.

"You can't leave me!" The woman yelled as she ran to his direction.

Gwaine rushed down the stairs thinking he hide from the eye of the lady. Putting down the bat he found a gun above the fire place.

But just as he was going to grab it he heard another sound making him turn around, before he could even move the lady ran to him killing him right on the spot. Right as it happened Gwaine jumped a little shock but as it said game over he grumbled.


AN: Guys I don't play horror games so I really don't know how to write so don't hate me if it's bad.

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