Chapter Twenty Six

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Blood Widow's P.O.V

When I finally regained conscious ten minutes ago, Frezia was gone. All the memories from earlier, came rushing into my mind with such a force. Now, I'm contemplating on whether or not, I should call my brother. He'll kill me once he gets his hands on me, that I'm sure. But before he gets the privilege of taking my life, I'll make sure I search for, and find Frezia.

Air! I need some fresh air! I stumble out of the vehicle, clutching the ribs on my left side, as I limp towards some place more hidden. I feel my nose for any bleeding, and I'm not disappointed. Blood! A lot of it! I tap the center of my palm, and Psycho's hologram pops up instantly.
"Brother," I call out, breathes ragged.

"What happened to you? And where the fuck is Luna?"
"They," I take in a deep breathe, wincing at the amount of pain in my ribs, then commencing, "took her."
"Who took her? Who fucking took her Anwar!"
"I'm not sure. But before we left for the bank, I gave her a hairpin with a tracker in it. She doesn't know its a tracking device. I'll...I'll use that."

"Bloody hell!" His voice booms, as my ears pick the sound of him tossing a wooden seat against the walls.
"I'll search her location using the hologram of Europe. I'll find her, and I'll bring her to you in one piece."
"I'm coming! Anwar, if I don't make it in time, bring her safe, and let you be in one piece as well!"

"I'll try to come back in one piece. She's my main objective right now," I reply, as I tap my palm, and strain to walk back to the car.
Stupid nose bleeds!
I wipe the blood away, using the back of my hand, then look down at my leg, extracting the long piece of glass sticking out of my flesh.

I grab hold of my handkerchief, tie it around the nasty-looking wound, then tap on my hologram once again, this time, looking at the hologram of Europe. There it is! The blinking green spot. I tap and zoom in, and all information pertaining to the place Frezia is being held captive, comes into view.

Location: Rue Saint Jacques street. Institution Name: Global Science et Technologia.
Year of Establishment: 1926.
Number of Trained Personnel: 69.
I decide to call Kalen. I need him to handle the surveillance cameras.

"Widow? What happened to you?"
"Not important. I need you to alter the surveillance cameras in the Global Science et Technologia, right now!"
"On it. And Widow, take care of yourself. It's a request."
I nod my head, as his hologram vanishes.

I shut the doors, roll up all the windows, then adjust myself in the seat, before proceeding to drive away. One palm clutches the wheel, the other remaining spread out, hologram hovering midair. I swerve left and right, trying my best to avoid traffic, and getting myself killed in an accident. I was so fucking slow during the attack! So fucking slow!

I won't be able to forgive myself, if I reach that place a minute too late. I won't forgive myself, if Psycho loses the one woman he truly loves. If I have to kick death itself in the balls in order to safe Frezia, then I'll gladly do it. Every once in a while, I have to reduce my speed, due to the consuming pain present in my ribs. I'll block out the pain. I'll have to do it.

"Fuck!" I find myself yelling in exasperation.
"Bloody fucking hell!"
I take one long breathe, in an attempt to calm my raging nerves.
One hour, thirty minutes later, and I'm driving down the oldest street in France. I tap on my palm, and the hologram sinks back into my palm.

I choose to leave the car a five minutes walking distance from my destination, loading gun after gun, and tucking them safely into my two thigh, and waist holsters. Its night time, and this place is death quiet.

Good! I'll use that to my advantage.
I grab hold of my two silencers, and wrap a bandana around the muzzle of each gun, then pop a pill, before alighting the vehicle, and choosing to move in the shadows of the tall buildings.

That's the building up ahead. Frezia, you'd better be alive!
I make hasty, but cautious steps, towards the the heavy gates, then check for security. None! Peculiar. I grab hold of a stone, tossing it over the gates. Electric fence isn't active?
I climb up the heavy metal doors, and jump on the other side, then make my way towards the entrance, in a crouched position.
Gosh, my foot! The fucking pain!

"Hey! Hey you! Who let you in," someone's voice calls from behind, compelling me to turn, and shoot immediately.
Security guard! I make my way up the steps, and into a deemly lit institution. No one in the hallways! Just as I'm about to take a corner, I notice some guard who's seated before one particular room, fast asleep.

I match up to him, trying my hardest to ignore the pain in foot, twist his neck, then rest his heavy falling form against the floors quietly. I hide beneath a flight of steps, then tap on my palm. No guards on this floor.

Two on the floor above, three on floor number five, and a bunch of doctors on the top most floor. Five doctors. That's where Frezia is being held hostage.
I'll have to take out all the guards. Can't let there be room for attack, while helping Frezia.

I climb the steps quietly, extremely cautious, as I pull on the syringe in my bun, and take one of the two guards out, needle piercing into his neck, as he collapses onto the grounds beneath. The other guard comes rushing to his college's side, his back in my direction. I close the remaining distance, stealthly walk up to him, and choke him, till his body goes limp.

All done on this floor. Now, floor five. I decide to take the elevators to the fifth floor, due to the immense aching in my ribs. The elevators slide open, and immediately, I grab the other pistol and shoot severally, before the guards get to react on time. I fucking hate this! Last floor!

If there are doctors up there, then I don't think they'd be all too difficult to handle. However, in times like this, caution is key. I punch the keys, elevator doors sliding shut. I lean my head against the walls, looking up at the CCTV cameras. Well, since there hasn't been an army of "soldiers" running up and down the halls in search of me, and no alarms sounding, then that means Kalen has already altered them.

In the next few minutes, I'm leaping down the halls, guns in hand. Room 4596. Well, where the fuck did those two bafoons come from!
Think fast Widow!
Got it! I toss a gun in the direction of the two guards, then draw back, hiding behind a cream-coloured wall.

"Who's there?" One of them questions, positioning his gun as he walks up in my direction.
Once the gun comes into view, I kick it out of his grasp, then kick him in the gut. I embrace him, using him as a human shield, as the other guy shoots like a mad man.

Once the shooting quietens, the other guy cusses under his breathe, reloading his gun fast, but not fast enough. I take aim and fire directly in the skull. Fucking assholes! I walk up to room 4596, and budge in suddenly.
Oh my goodness!

This animals!
What have they done to her!
I glare at the persons occuping the room, the bile rising in my chest. No blinking, no thinking, just shooting. Bodies fall onto the tiled floors, thuds resounding throughout the entire room.

"You, fucking stitch both wounds up!" I yell at the doctor who's standing right next to a half conscious Frezia.
I take slow deliberate steps towards him, eyes never leaving his, jaws tightly clenched. The name on his tag is Andrew. This is one of the nasty ass motherfuckers, who performed all those awful experiments on my brother and I, back in those labs in Italy!

I shoot his foot, his screams piercing into the night.
"Stitch that shit up, or I swear to you, I'll drive a bullet through your fucking skull!"
Trembling hands grab hold of the stitching needle and thread, and get down to work immediately.

Once he's done, I quickly grab hold of the bloody scalpel, and drive it deep into the side of his neck, his body falling onto the heap of already dead doctors, with a shriek. I kick the scalpel deeper into his neck, using the front of my foot, then turn to face Frezia.
"Let's get you out of this sickening place."
She does nothing, but nod weakly.

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