Chapter Nineteen

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I am fatigued to say the least. Working from morning till evening, with little breaks in between, is no joke. My hair is still the red I dyed yesterday. It's best I dye, than wear a wig. However, I can't use the same red, since according to Psycho, I can't draw any suspicion. The news of the sudden murder of Omar, has spread throughout the entire world, based on what he said to me, though there's been no identification of suspects.

He had to leave and go handle matters pertaining to the death, as it had occurred in his club. The good thing is, no one really knows that he is the Psycho. He doesn't go by that name on the surface.
"I'll be leaving now," Kate states, before proceeding to hug me, and exit the room.

Once I'm finish with the scrubbing, I  walk out of the room, climb the steps, and make my way into my room, shutting the doors behind me. I hit the showers, dying my hair a complete platinum, then brush and exit the bathroom.

It takes me close to forty minutes getting ready, but I finally get done. Platinum hair, smokey eyes, brown contacts, red lips with two fake lip rings on it, black dress, netty and fitting at the top, pleated at the bottom, that reaches just slightly above my knees, and black ankle boots. That ought to do the trick.

I've ensured to cover all my tattoos. It's best not to leave behind any trails. Psycho walks into my room, holding a box in his palms, but stops abruptly, eyeing me from head to toe to head. He is impressed.

"It's a good thing you chose the gothic look. Igor is drawn to gothic ladies. Anyway, I brought you these. Igor is a cautious man, so you ought to be extra careful yourself. We won't be using earpiece earrings this time round. Wear this choker.

Its a simple one, so it shouldn't draw any attention. It has a camera installed into the octagon shape in the middle, as well as in all the tiny charms. Through it, I'll be able to view everything from all angles, as you walk in, as well as hear your conversations."

"And what if I need to speak with you?"
"Don't worry. Provided I can see everything, I'll be able to take action when need arises."
"What's the plan?"
"This time, Kalen is the one who will be making the business negotiations with Igor. Igor is not coming to gumble, I assure you.

You'll take both Kalen and him drinks, and seduce him. During that time, you'll have to put on this apron. It's made of bullet proof material. Make it look like you actually work in that casino. Of course, you won't spike the drinks, because he'll expect you to take a sip. He is extra cautious, you know. Tonight, you'll have to put in all your seductive energy into it. Make him trust you, and don't act immediately, or irrationally.

Here is the gun you'll be needing. Ensure to secure it firmly in your thigh holster. Its a silencer. Use it wisely Luna. You'll be going in first, then I'll follow. Take him out as you said earlier, then I'll handle the rest."
"With pleasure," I reply, smirk tagging on my lips, as I tuck the gun into the hostler.

"By the way, you look stunning," he compliments, as he draws closer to me.
"Thank you. What can I say? Black is my color," I reply, as I pull him in for a sensual but short kiss.
"I'm sorry I'm putting you through all this Luna."
"Hey, don't apologize. I wanted this, mhmm?" I reply, cupping his cheeks, and looking deep into his eyes.

I wasn't going to let you do this on your own Psycho.
"We ought to leave. It's a distance, from here to the casino."
"Will you be injecting me this time round?"
"I don't have a reason to, so I won't. I trust you completely."
His answer swells my heart. Finally, he trusts me completely.


I honestly don't know what Psycho was so scared about. I mean, the roads leading to the surface, are more of a complex labyrinth, and just one travel to and from the upper world, wouldn't be enough time to grasp anything. Hell, if I were to go up on my own, I'd need him or someone who's lived in the underground long enough, to accompany me.

Currently, we are parked in an alley, close to the casino. I'm waiting on Kalen to communicate with Psycho, so that I can go in.
"Kalen?" Psycho calls out, index and middle fingers pressing into his ear.
His gaze turns to me, and he nods.
"It's time. Take care of yourself Luna."
"I will, don't worry."

"Take this card with you," he speaks, handing me a green card, with three silver strips running horizontally.
I alight the vehicle, walk down the alley, and into the illumination of the street lights. I make my way towards the bouncer at the main entrance, and show him his card, before making my way into the casino.

It's an interesting place, partly strip club, partly casino, music trendy, lights flashing, persons of all classes enjoying themselves. I look around, spotting the bar, and walking up to it.
"What can I get your?"
"Bottle of tequila, and two tequila shot glasses on a tray please."
"Right away."

Once handed the items, I look around, trying to identify where the V.I.P section might be. It doesn't take me long to figure that out, so I make my way towards the place, holding onto the tray in one palm, and trying my best to wear the apron using the free hand. This is it. I walk past the drapery, only to find a two young men on the other side, seriously conversing.

I take notice of Kalen, though his irises are of another shade, and there are fake tattoos covering his exposed neck. The other guy on the other hand, seems to be way too young to actually lead the mafia. Say twenty five? Yeah, definitely an agemate.
"I was asked to bring this to you sirs," I begin, altering my accent to British.

"Is that the case? What took you so long, damnit!" Kalen barks, then continues, "I had requested for a bottle of tequila over thirty minutes ago!"
"Sorry sir. The weekends are normally busy. Here, let me serve you," I respond calmly, walking up to the two men, and setting the tray over the finely-polished table.

I work to pour Kalen the first shot, then turn towards Igor, and bend over, ensuring to give him a tiny pick, enough to stir up his loins.
"Drink!" He commands, and I have to put in effort, to ensure I don't seem baffled.

I clutch the tiny glass, and tip it, the hot liquid leaving burning trails down my throat.
"Good. Now, pour me a glass. I am exhausted to say the least."
Good. I'll use that to my own advantage.

"Mr Rodriguez, you can leave. If you wish to take the bottle with you, be my guest," Igor voices.
I walk over to where he is seated, and make myself comfortable.
"Do you want to get out here?" He questions, his voice sending icy chills up and down my back.
"Yeah sure, Mr..."

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My Unforgivable, My Unforgettable... (Mafia Romance, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now