Chapter Twenty

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To say I'm scared shitless, would be an understatement. I'm completely shook, petrified, terrified. But I know better than to show the fear on my face. After the third shot, Igor grabs hold of my hand, and leads me past the drapes.
"Where are you taking me Mr Maxim?" I question, voice sultry.
"Upstairs for some fun. I have a room."

Well, I can work with that. It'll be more convenient for me anyway.
We walk up the flight of stairs, down some dimly lit hall, and up to a heavy black-painted, well polished door. He takes out a card, and swipes it through the lock, the door sliding open with a click. He pulls me by the wrist rather gently, and walks me to the bed. The room is all red. Red four-poster bed, red curtains, red carpet, and there are fucking whips lined up on the walls.

"I'll pour us a glass of the best italian champagne,"
"I'm not in the mood for that," I speak, rising from the bed, and facing him, index finger glider across his cheek.
"I wasn't asking, love," he retorts, a malicious smile tagging on his lips.
"Fine, if you insist," I reply, then proceed to walk around the room, acting like I'm actually interested in the ornaments within.

He walks to one side of the room, and retrieves a champagne bottle from an ice bucket.
"Tell me something. Who are you working for or with?"
His question makes me almost choke on my spit, but I keep my emotions well hidden.
"What do you mean?" I question, walking up to where he is positioned, and taking the first champagne-filled flute.

"Who are you working for, love?"
"I'm working for the owner of this casino. Mr Lopez is his name," I reply, then smile at him.
Our glasses clink, and I press mine to my lips, quickly turning around, and walking towards the bed.
"I actually love your necklace. Where did you get it from?"

"What? This old thing? Was an anniversary gift from my girlfriend, a year back. I'm bi."
"Take off your clothes!" He suddenly states.
It's more of a command, than a request. Oh my goodness. If I take of my clothes, then he'll see the gun.
Think fast Bellamy! Think fast!

"But I barely even know you Mr Maxim."
"You are only a one night stand. You barely mean anything to me, so introductions are not really important. Now, take off your clothes," he voices, each word dripping with malice, as he takes slow deliberate steps towards me.
"Or I'll take them off myself."

I rest the champagne glass over the bedside table, and reach out for the apron, taking it off. I take hold of the zipper on my back, slowly sliding it down. The dress piles at my waist, as I work to unclasp my bra. His eyes never leave mine, an evil glint in each.
"I can't unclasp this thing. Mind helping me?" I seductively ask.
He doesn't respond, just walks up to me, as I turn to face the other direction.

I want to puke, I want to wrench, at the briefest contact his fingers make with the flesh on my back. Slowly, gradually, I reach out for the gun through the small slit on the side of the dress, quickly turn, and press it firmly against his right thigh. I don't hesitate, I don't think, I don't blink. I shoot, not once, but thrice.

"Oh fuck!" He yells, as he topples onto the carpeted floors, clutching his wounded thigh.
My breathes are heavy, laboured, uneven, as I run a hand through my hair. Just then, the door slides open, and in, walks a calm, yet rage-consumed Psycho.

He takes hold of his pistol, aims for the head, cocks, and shoots severally. I slightly jump, the blood splattering all over the grounds. I look down at him, then up at Psycho. He walks the remaining distance between us, and embraces me tightly.
"This is the last fucking time, I'm letting you do something like this Luna! Last fucking time!" His voice booms, pressing me closer to his chest.

He cups my cheeks, looking me in the eye.
"Are you hurt or wounded? Did he do anything to you? Did he touch you Luna?"
"No, he didn't touch me," I reply, eyes looking anywhere but into his.
"All this is just too dangerous for you Frezia! I don't even want to think of what he would have done to you, after bedding you! He was already aware of the fact that you were lying!"

"I'm sorry Psycho. I'm sorry. I just couldn't let you come on this mission all alone. I would worry sick. I'm sorry, okay?"
He doesn't respond, just pierces holes with his eyes, into my face. He pulls away from me, turning around, as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

I push the sleeves of my dress onto my shoulders, zipping the clothe.
I look around, not really knowing what to say to calm him down. He is upset by the fact that Igor almost bedded me, and even more upset that I could have lost my life. I wouldn't have let him bed me though. I'd have fought tooth and nail, even at the expense of my life. As I look around, I spot not one, but two surveillance cameras inside the room. Fuck! Fucking hell! Fuck!

"We have to move," Psycho speaks up, before I can.
"Psycho, there are two surveillance cameras in the room."
"Don't worry about them. Kalen took care of all of them, before we got here. Let's go," he replies, taking hold of my arm, and walking us towards the shut doors.
He swipes a card through the lock, doors sliding open, then shutting behind us, and walks us down the halls.

Another five minutes, and we are back in the car, parked in the dark alley.
"I need you to stop taking such risks, and sweet-talking me into allowing you to take them in the first place. It's difficult to say no to you. Igor was going to kill you. He was already aware of the fact that you were working for one of his enemies!"

I keep silent, wishing for the earth to open, and swallow me whole.
"I didn't want you coming alone."
"What do you mean 'alone'? This is my life Luna. I've been living it, ever since the day I was born."
"I'm sorry Psycho."
He turns his gaze away from me, towards the tinted windows, and I keep silent for the rest of the drive back home.

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My Unforgivable, My Unforgettable... (Mafia Romance, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now