Chapter Eighteen

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Yester night was...I can't even begin to express what, or how it felt. Then in the morning, I woke up, and Psycho wasn't in my bed. A couple of minutes back, some men walked into the house, and made their way to Psycho's study. I guess its a meeting of sorts. Now, I'm in the kitchen, helping Kate with the dishes. I'm not lamenting however.

"Kate, where exactly do you live?" I ask, as I dry a platter, and set it aside.
"Down the street, with my two grandkids. When Psycho decided to build his empire underground, he didn't want to leave me back. He is like a grandson to me, you know."
"You lived with his dad?"

"Mhmm. From when his father took over the Italian mafia, to the time he first met Hal...I mean Psycho's mother, to the time she died, and he decided to..."
She stops herself from completing the statement, and I purse my lips in understanding. Psycho's father and mother, must've meant so much to her.

"It's okay Kate. Just calm down," I reply, as I walk up to her, and pat her back gently.
She was going to refer to Psycho, using his birth name, but stopped herself in time. I have questioned Psycho on the matter, but he got a little angry, so I dropped the subject. I need him to trust me.

Kate clears her throat, just as the center of her right palm glows a shade of blue. She taps on it, and Psycho's hologram comes into view.
"Catherine, good morning."
"Morning sir."
"Send Luna up to the study, and ask her to bring coffee. A total of five men in counting."
"Right away càpó."

Psycho eyes me, and mouths a "morning", before the hologram sinks back into Kate's palm.
"Well, you heard him."
I grab the coffee maker, and pour the beverage into a kettle. I settle glass cups, as well as the kettle onto the tray, and in the next few minutes, I'm walking into the study. Such toxic masculinity. I mean, I can practically taste the tension in this room.

I work to pour each man a cup, then proceed to leave.
"Luna, stand right over there, in case I need you."
I do as instructed, standing in the furthest corner of the room, tray in hand.
"Cousin, are you serious right now? You honestly want her to listen in on our conversation?"

My gaze snaps to Triton, then to Psycho, heart palpitating. Psycho's jaws are clenched, and that is never a good sign. He's always a ticking bomb, whenever his jaws are clenched like that.
"You might trust her, but I don't! Her father is the whole reason my mother is in that mental asylum!" Triton's voice booms, as his palms make contact with the glass tables.

"I was silent yesterday, because I thought that you calling her to sit on top of you, was a one time thing. So, you trust the daughter of the man who had tests run on both you and Blood Widow?"
"I would sit down, and tone it down, if I were you Triton," Psycho calmly replies.
"The sex must've been so good, to the point of having you brainwashed like this Psycho!"

It all escalated quickly, too quickly, for my brain to process anything. One minute, Triton is pouring out his frustrations, then the next, he is clutching his gun-shot wounded arm, wincing in pain. Psycho's eyes are trained on him, expressionless, void, empty. And the ticking bomb has finally exploded.

"You are my cousin, not my superior. You don't run me, I run you, as well as all the operations in the underground mafia, and the American mafia. Luna is not the criminal, her father was, and I ensured to execute him. Next time, the shot will be aimed at more than just your upper arm. And I won't miss. Sit.down.Triton. Now, let's commence from where we stopped," Psycho concludes, voice overly calm.

He wasn't even yelling, his tone wasn't even high, yet he managed to send chills down my spine. I can see the stoic expressions of the other three men seated on the table.
"Romano, tell me what you know about Igor Maxim," he speaks, completely ignoring his cousin's attempts to tie the wound.

"Well, I know that he was here in Italy on Monday morning, though heavily guarded. I am convinced he hasn't left, because he arrived by plane, first class. I've been double checking the systems of each airport and strip in Italy, and none that's living for Russia, has a passenger going by the Igor Maxim. Of course, he might've switched names, so I took it upon myself, to send a total of fifty six women from the mafia, to act as air hostesses in each plane."

"He hasn't been sited yet," the Romano guy responds.
"Fuck yes!" One of the men exclaims, attention focused on the hologram of the European continent, that's been floating over his palm for a while now.

"Càpó, he's still in Italy. I've been trying to hack into the computer systems in each and every hotel in Italy, for the past one week now. He's been residing in a gem boutique hotel, by the name Su Gologone."
"Nicely done Kalen."
"Will you be needing back up?" Triton questions.

"I will. Tell Arya, that I'll be needing her on this one. Romano, find a way to contact Igor. Entice him with one of those fake deals, and get him to meet up with you in the Golden Apple Casino by tonight."
Arya? The fuck is Arya?

"I'll be your back up."
"No Luna. You'll stay behind," he retorts, then turns his gaze in the direction of his fellow men.
"You are all excused. Triton, convey my message to Arya."

All the men rise from their seats, and exit the room without another word.
"I'm not arguing with you on this matter. That man is way more dangerous than Omar and his men combined."
"I could care less! I did good the last time, and you still owe me. I haven't forgotten."

His eyes narrow, jaws clenched, his eyes scrutinizing my facial expressions.
"Come here Luna."
"I wasn't coherent enough the first time?"
I walk up to him, resting the tray over the glass table, and standing next to him.

He pulls me by the waist, and sits me on his thighs, so that I'm now straddling him.
"Luna, understand that you mean a lot to me. I don't want to lose you, simply because you passed the first time. What if..."
I cup his cheeks, eyes piercing wholes into his own.
"Do you trust me Psycho?"
"I do."

"Then understand, that I won't let you down. Tonight, instead of the ring, hand me an actual gun."
"Exactly what you heard Psycho. Let it be a silencer, and fill it up with rubber bullets. I'll take him out, and you can handle the rest," I explain, leaning into him, and planting feathery kisses against his neck.

Yes, if I have to use seduction to compel him to agree with me, then by all means. I won't be okay, with him on such a mission, especially with some other woman!
"So? What do you say?"
He groans, head tilting to the side.
"I have no idea why I am actually agreeing with this, but fine."
"That's like a good boy," I conclude, my lips connecting with his.

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