The Serpent's Den

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Lokka sat in her room looking at the TV. She wasnt really watching it as her eyes glossed over while she thought about Dez.  Her focus was interrupted when Marquan came through the door shutting it behind him.

He sat down at her desk before handing her the homework of the day before pulling out his own, “Here."

Lokka hadnt been to school in the longest but, she was still passing all her classes. She would do the homework each day and give it back to Marquan for him to turn them in to her teachers the following day.

They worked on the math equations until Lokka’s phone vibrated on her nightstand.

From: Bullet
  Need a ride.

That was his way of telling her that he had a lead they had to check out. They had been at this for a month and so far, everyone they heard might know something either didn't or was already dead when they arrived.

To: Bullet
 On My Way

They always kept the conversations short and sweet. She hopped up and loaded the tech 9 that sat on her dresser.  Pulling her .9 mm from under her heart shaped pillow, she tossed it to Marquan who grabbed it comfortably.

He groaned standing up to tuck it in his waistband. Even though his heart was still set in being a college athlete in a year, this new phase in his life was a little exciting. He would never let Lokka know that though.

 “Let’s go. It’s that time again.” Lokka said as she rubbed the Tech with her shirt, shining it.

It was her pride and joy.

They quietly walked through the house past Carlos’ office. He was inside talking about how one of his rivals was found dead yesterday. He was irate thinking that someone knew was trying to move into the territories to push out competitors, including him.

Lokka smiled inwardly knowing she was the cause of that.  It had nothing to do with Carlos or the family business. The guy was a lead who wasn’t trying to open his mouth about what he knew, so she opened it for him and blew his brains out.

Simple as that.

To her, Carlos overthinks everything so nothing gets done in the time frame she believed it should be. She thought her father was too much of a talker but she was a shooter. If you weren't aiding in her cause, whatever it may be, then there really was no need for you to still be around.

They got to the street where Lokka’s Range Rover was parked.

“Do you have to bring that shit in broad daylight?” Marquan complained looking around to see if anyone was looking at the gun toting teen.

“What shit? This Shit.” She laughed pointing it at him using one arm. "Get your ass in the car.”

Marquan sucked his teeth pushing the gun to the side as he walked around her,  climbing into the driver's seat.

He always drove when they were together. Especially on their missions, as he liked to call them.  He was the getaway driver so to speak.
He drove across the city to Highland Avenue. Bullet came out the shadows of the alley and slunk into the backseat. He set a bag on the floor and handed Marquan tiny piece of paper with an address on it.

2102 Madison St.

Marquan knew the deal with Bullet. He didn’t trust main roads, so Marquan took all back streets when he was in the car. 

“We checking out some out of town nigga named Gerald.” Bullet explained, keeping his deep voice low.

Lokka giggled, she loved with "gangsters" had weak ass names. She knew it was a soft spot for them, that why they always had such ridiculous flashy nicknames.

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