Speaking Trapanese

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The sun started to set as Dez pulled into a cheap motel. The 5 hour drive to Oakland took a toll on him as he yawned, dying to stretch his legs. 

Lokka offered to drive, but he refused. How would that look if she was driving with him sleep in the passenger’s side? 

His pride always came first.

Lokka got out and grabbed the bags only for Dez to snatch them from her.

 “I could’ve carried them.” She said sucking her teeth. 
She was independent and he knew it but once again, his male pride. 

“Nah, I got it. Just get in there.” He said smiling at her, his dimples on full display.

He playfully smacked her butt, "Pretty ass.”

After being locked in the car for so long things felt as if it was normal again, back when it was just him and her.

Lokka giggled jumping away from him. Going inside to the front desk, she got a room for 2 nights. Just as she was handed the key, Dez stumbled in the door with the 2 suitcases. 

He followed her to the room and after putting everything down, Dez flopped on the mattress taking a deep breath. Lokka locked the door climbing on the bed next to him. He turned his head and pecked her lips gently.

Lokka sighed, turning away. As much as she wanted to enjoy the time with Dez, she knew that it wouldnt last. She knew that as soon as they got back home, he would go back to being her father's worker and back to ignoring her advances.

“Come on Lo, don’t start. Not now, not while we got business to handle.”

Lokka sat up, “Then when? Huh? When will we talk about us?”

Dez rubbed his hands over his face, he didn’t want to have this conversation right now not as he tried to get into mission mode, “We will talk about it after we get this money.”

She knew that was a lie, she could look in his face and see that he was just waving her off. “Whatever.”

He tried to wrap his hands around her waist only to have her push them away. “Lo. Come on stop.” 

He did it again getting the same reaction from her, Dez quickly grew frustrated when she scooted away from him to the edge of the bed.
His patience was short because in Dez's mind, he didnt grasp why Lokka couldnt roll with the punches  and let them do them. They had a good thing going. He figured she understood why a relationship wasnt possible.

Dez roughly grabbed her pulling her across the bed as she slammed into his chest with force. Lokka let out a small yelp from the impact of their bodies colliding before she started prying his hands of her.

Dez held tight to her, “Fuckin stop!” He gritted through his teeth while Lokka wiggled trying to move away. 

She tensed up when his breath gently tickled the side of her face. Dez’s lips grazed her ear, and his whole demeanor changed.“Sssh just let me hold you baby.” Ye spoke huskily.
And just like that, Lokka melted into his arms letting out an uncertain breath.

Lokka's eye cracked open in the dark hearing ringing throughout. Peeking over at the digital clock that was illuminated the room somewhat, she read 3:00 am. She fumbled around, trying to follow the sound until she grabbed Dez's phone.

“Your phone is ringing.” She said standing over him as she tried to shake him awake.

Dez mumbled, “Answer it.” as he swatted her hand before rolling over still asleep.

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