Requested /// (5SOS)

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Author's Note

This is for the wonderful @_bgr_, hope you enjoy it GURRLLL

Your POV

I walked into the studio a huge smile on my face, I honestly can't wait to do my first choreography with actual artist

My heart started to beat faster as I walked into the dance room, sweaty palms and uneven breathes due to excitement began to fill me

2 hours earlier

Calum's POV

We sat in the office our or should I say my ass loosing feeling, I swear these people have no time management, and they call themselves "professional"

"Alright boys, we brought you here to discuss about your upcoming tour" Martin the head of Doran Recording Company said sitting down and intertwining his long and slender fingers together

"What about it" asked a curious Michael

"Well we thought that we could spice things up with an updated cherography, since we've been doing the same one for the past year and a half" Martin replied laughing at his supposed joke "you'll be meeting your new cherographer at the studio, be on your best behavior I don't want to call Marsha in again"

We nodded getting up and walking towards the elevator

"Hope she's hot" Michael blurted out pressing the lobby button

"How do you know it's a girl" Luke asked facing Michael with a confused look

"Because whenever Martin mentions Martha, we're dealing with a vagina" Michael replied smirking to himself

"Whats up with you and vaginas, can't you just say girl, woman anything but vagina" I asked looking at him shaking my head

"Because its more simple everyone knows that a penis is inbetween a guy's legs while a vagina is inbetween a girl's, simple astrology" Ashton explained...

"You mean analogy" Luke clarified getting out the elevator and walking towards the rotational doors

"Whatever smartass" yelled Ashton

Well this is a great start to our...change

Your POV

I stood there absolutely loving the room I was in, you see I started to dance when I was about 7/8 years old in a small dance studio in Brooklyn, dance lets me show my inner emotions and feelings out, so for me to get the job as a cherographer is literally my dream come true

"it's not all about vaginas Michael, what about her feelings"

"Oh shut up Luke, you know damn well that vaginas are their feelings.....their feelings of pleasure"

I heard two people argue about...vaginas for some reason men are pigs

"Hello boys I'm Brianna and I'll be your new dance instructor" I announced making sure my voice was clear "the four of you will be in pairs...Micheal and Calum in one pair and Luke and Ashton in another"

Calum's POV

I watched her as she told us what to do, her face twisting with frustration as she went to help Luke and Ashton for the 6th time, her dark brown eyes twinkling with annoyance

"Alright so you decide to pick 1,2 step and you still can't do it" she sighed running her fingers through ger hair

"Well we're sorry Brianna, for not being the reincarnation of Michael Jackson" Ashton shot back

One Direction // 5SOS Interracial PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now