Scene 41- I'm Done

Start from the beginning

Then I can hear the click of the belt ever so softly, I tense up. It isn't that I don't want Anne, I just don't know how to feel about this now. This feels wrong, too fast? Anne stops and lets go of my neck, she looks at me.

"Is everything okay with you?," she sits carefully up on my lab again, still staring directly into my eyes.

I take deep breaths, suddenly feeling nervous. I nod. I don't know what to say to this, maybe she'll think I have something against her if I chicken out of this now and I can't let that happen, I mean I started this here.

I pull her down and kiss her again to show everything is okay and move my hands towards her trousers, but the movements are little unconvinced and forced. Come on me, what's wrong?

"Stop it George," Anne lets go off me and looks at me again: "You clearly don't feel comfortable."

"I didn't mean to-," I start to defend myself, but Anne just shakes her head.

"It's okay. Nothing happened, everything is alright, understood?," she strokes my hair a bit, smiling ever so slightly.

I let go a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I think I'm just not ready," I admit.

"That's okay as well, just be honest the next time right away okay?," she says climbing from my lap to sit next to me, cuddling to my side: "I don't want to do anything that I don't have hundred percent consent of."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing," she demands: "I mean I got to see your abs, I've clearly won."

I laugh. How I love this girl.


Someone is shaking my shoulder, my whole upper body moves side to side. Grumpily I open my eyes, just to be hit instantly with Anne's face. I want to brush her hair down, say something cheesy if she had such a good nights sleep just like I and pulling her close again to feel her warmth to my side.

I wanted to, but I didn't have a chance.

"Get up, we overslept!," Anne says wiping her eyes, shaking me one last time.

"We are what?," I sit up abruptly every remaining sleep left my body and I'm wide awake.

"We fucking overslept, Fred is already downstairs with the costumers. Now hurry," she stands up and goes to the closet to get her stuff.

I jump out of the bed, sitting down instantly, feeling a bit dizzy. Taking a few deep breaths until my vision gets clear again, then I change out of my pyjama bottoms and shirt, throwing it carelessly on the bed. I grab new underwear out of the closet and change into it then I stop in front of the mirror that is inside the closet door.

Anne said we don't need a mirror onto a closet, I beg to differ. If we hadn't get one, I wouldn't be able to flex into the mirror now, would I?

I watch my reflection closely, Anne said I have abs, I grin proudly, finally someone seeing the results. I turn to my side and wink at myself. A bathroom door closing behind me takes me back to reality. Shit, I need to get ready.

When the door to our room gets opened, Anne wrapped into a towel pops up. She looks at me confused as to why I'm just managed to get into my trousers. I just smile charmingly at her.

"You look good," I comment.

"Now it's not the time," she wants to move past me, but I don't let her: "Move George, we are way too late."

"Calm down, stressing doesn't do you good."

"George, I swear if you try to pass time on purpose-"

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