Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return

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"Oh for the love of god! I'm not afraid of girls! I just don't like those girls specifically!" He bellowed with an irritated look. His hyungs looked at him with looks that told him that they didn't believe him making him sigh. "Aish, whatever! I'm leaving then if they're going to be here and don't let them go in my room!" Jungkook went to put his shoes on, but his hyungs stopped him.

"No, you're staying right here with us," Namjoon instructed in a firm tone.

"I'd really rather not though," Jungkook answered with hopeful eyes.

"Fine, you can go only if you admit that you're scared of girls," Jimin said with a teasing smirk. The younger one's eyes widened at that before he frowned at the request. As much as he wanted to leave and even though he wasn't scared of girls, he didn't want to hurt his pride. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he stopped getting ready to leave. The others all grinned victoriously as they all rushed to the door. Jungkook watched with confusion at seeing his hyungs fighting to open the door while he stood there with his arms crossed.

Once the door was finally open, the members were greeted by flirtatious smiles. The group of girls from the restaurant were let into the dorm and the members gathered around them, except for Jungkook who stood at a distance.

"Welcome to our dorm girls," Seokjin welcomed the girls with his usual charming smile.

"Thank you, it's so big," one of the girls commented with a look of awe. The girls all nodded in agreement to that.

"So, where are your rooms?" A different girl asked with a sexy gleam in her eyes as she pressed herself up against Taehyung, who bit his lip. Jungkook watched as the other girls did the same to the other members and rolled his eyes.

"They're right down this hallway," Taehyung responded with a flirty wink back. The girl clinging to him giggled at that and pulled him along down the hallway. Jungkook scoffed at that as he walked over to the couch and plopped himself down. He grabbed the game controller, readying himself to play some video games until one of the girls took it from him and sat beside him, sending him flirtatious looks.

"Um... can I have that back please?" He asked feeling uncomfortable under her seductive stare. She didn't answer for a moment as she scooted closer to him, her hand running up his arm. He shivered at the feeling and pulled his arm away. He tried to grab the controller out of the girl's hands, but she threw it to the other side of the room. "Hey! Those are expensive!"

"Sh~ and listen to me closely," the girl whispered in an alluring voice as she pressed her finger to his lips and grinned. He made a weird face at her and brought his face back. To his surprise, the girl suddenly began to sing. "Ah~ ooh~ listen~ listen to this song~." Jungkook's eyes widened slightly as he listened to the song. He glanced to the side and noticed the other girls joining in on the singing. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He had no idea what was going on or why these girls suddenly started singing. He observed his hyungs' reactions and saw that they all had dreamy looks in their eyes as they stared at the girls with smiles. It was strange for him to see this behaviour from his hyungs and even more so of the lyrics that these girls were singing. Then something occurred to him.

"Oh~! Now I get it!" His voice rang out loudly, interrupting the girls and stopping them from singing. They all glanced at him weirdly. "You girls want to be idols too and are hoping that we'll help you sign a deal with BigHit." The girls all looked at each other with questioning looks, including the girl who was just sitting next to him. "I mean, if that's what you wanted then you should have just asked. You girls have great voices, so I'm sure that BigHit will want you girls as trainees." Hearing all of this, the girls gathered together and the girl sitting beside him stood up, walking over to the others.

His Secret Mermaid ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz