18: The Battle-Dex

Start from the beginning

"Hi, we are just stopping by for a survey on how well you are doing, it's a thing the school does every year." Lady Gisela smiled.

"Okay, well hi, my name's Chad."

"Do you play football?" Lady Gisela noticed the school sports jersey he had on.


Biana walked over. "Hello, my name is Lily, I'm Chad's girlfriend. I'm an art major."

"Wonderful! One second." Lady Gisela looked down at her 'phone'.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we'd love to talk more, but we've got to get going to...the next dorm. Thank you!" She waved politely, practically yanking Gethen out of the room.

Dex breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't know about you, but I think that 'text message' was enough of a signal for me."

"Yeah," Tam and Linh nodded.

"Okay, let's go then. Mr. Forkle sent me a map of how to get to the vault a few days ago, I know it like the back of my hand."

And with that they rushed over, trying as best as possible to be careful and hidden and still not look suspicious. Although, slipping down an alley and entering a special code in a wall was very suspicious.

     Soon they were in. Tam covering Marella in shadows, Biana hiding through invisibility with Dex, and Linh hiding herself with mist. They were all prepared for any sort of alarm, they were hidden, everyone was looking a different way, waiting for people to launch at them from out of the shadows. They snuck around for minutes, grabbing vials and stuffing scrolls full of information in their bags they had brought.

     "This is too easy," Linh whispered. "Something's up."

     "Yeah, I agree," Biana started. "Should we g-"

     Then Biana was silenced. By what, Dex didn't know, but he feared this was where it was going to get harder. Soon everyone was quiet. He was surprised he was still okay, looking at his now visible friends, and he knew what happened. They were drugged, all of them.

At least Dex stepped away from Biana when he heard her stop talking. His instincts forced him to slowly sneak away to hide in a shack, but taking his friends' bags with him. As he reached it, though, he felt a vibration on his panic switch. Sophie was in trouble, and he needed to go save her and the rest of his friends. He was alone on this, this was finally his chance to prove he was not just the techy boy that couldn't do anything besides that. It was his time to fight.

He listened for the Neverseen member to walk away, and then he slowly stepped out of the shack. He sprinted towards his unconscious friends, took hands with all of them, and then leaped them to safety in the girls' dorm.

Dex then grabbed as many gadgets as he could, stuffed them in his pockets, and leaped to where his friends were.

     "I'm here," Dex whispered.

     "Where is-" Sophie started.

     "I'll tell you later. All you need to know is that we got the information and vials we needed."

     "Dex! Come under the forcefield! Now!"


     When he reached them, he had an idea. "Everyone, don't ask any questions, just do what I say. I have a plan."

     He whispered it to them quickly, and then Sophie and Keefe stepped outside of the forcefield, advancing on the Neverseen and distracting Lady Gisela and Fintan.

     Dex took this opportunity to throw 5 different colored smoke bombs at all of the other Neverseen members, who were cowering under Ruy's forcefield. That distracted them, and for enough time that Mr. Forkle and Fitz could sneak up on the Neverseen with rope and tie them up.

     With that they leaped to Everglen, Fitz saying they had a dungeon in their house (for reasons unknown to man). It was just Sophie, Wylie, Keefe, and Dex now. Wylie acted quickly and put a forcefield around Lady Gisela and Fintan, and since they had purposely revealed themselves in a cold place, Fintan couldn't draw fire to hurt anyone. Lady Gisela was basically useless in the forcefield.

     "It's over, Mom." Dex heard from his left.

     Sophie put her hand on Keefe's shoulder, rubbing it slightly in comfort. Dex imagined it would be hard if his mom was evil and he had to defeat her. Keefe was strong though, he knew it.

     With that thought, Wylie, Lady Gisela, and Fintan leapt to Everglen, and Keefe, Sophie, and Dex leapt to the college. They went to get Biana, Linh, Tam, and Marella, who would be waking up soon, if they weren't up already.

     "What happened?" Everyone mumbled when they got to the college.

     So they explained, and Dex explained to Sophie and Keefe what had happened to their friends. Soon they all leapt back to Everglen to join their other friends.

     "Everyone out, now, that includes Fitz and Wylie." Alden said when they got there.

     Not very much of a greeting, Dex thought.

     So, everyone headed over to Havenfield.

     Thanks for reading, so sorry to everyone who has been waiting for this chapter, I know it took me over a week and I was crying inside every day because I just didn't know how to write this chapter and you guys were waiting for the new chapter. 😭😭

     But it's all good now, right? Okay. Cool. Thanks! Bye.

     Word count: 1452



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