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"Its your responsibility as well, alright? If I'm at work, you take care of him. If you're at work, I'll take care of him." I said to her then she nodded. I carry the boy and we went to the mall. We bought him clothes. After bringing him around, we went back.

At your apartment:
"This is your new house, alright?" Jennie said while caressing Jiwoon cheeks and carry him. He nodded. "Let's bring you to shower. You smell" I said playfully. Jennie whispered something in Jiwoon's ear then Jiwoon attack me. "Jiwoon! Behave alright? I'm your appa and I'm strong. Would you go with me of course hulk or your eomma, the queen?" I asked.

"With hulk! Cause he's bery bery strong!" Jiwoon said. I smirk at Jennie that she mumbled something that I still can understand. "Ugh wait till you and I make a daughter together." And went in the kitchen. "Jiwoon, come here. You play tv alright? What cartoon do you want to see?" "I wanna see straykids back door!" He replied. I WAS DAMN SHOCK. THIS BABY BETTER BE A STAY OR HE'S GONNA BE THE STRAY KIDS OUT THERE. "oh o-okay.. what else do you want to see?" "Ice cream Blackpink!!" Aight. He's a kpoper. "Don't worry, your appa is a kpoper too. Eomma IS the blackpink character. I know you know. See this tv alright? Appa want to go with eomma for a while" I said and he nodded. I patted his head.

I went in the kitchen ans saw the wife material cooking. I went to her then I back hugs her. I rub again the stomach. "So, does this mean you want to make a baby with me?" I asked in her ears then I blow her ear. "No? What do you mean?" She said while rolling her eyes. "Oh, I know what did you mumbled baby~ I mean, if you're still interested to have a daughter~" I said while caressing her hair. "Ew pervert!" She rolled again her eyes.

"Only your pervert, Jennie. Look, even our son stans kpop. He's a stay just like his appa. He's ALSO a blink , just like his appa. Bet his bias wrecker is also like his appa's." I said going to the next ear. "Oh yea? He's a blink? Confirmed he's for us. So who's your bias and bias wrecker?" Jennie asked while cooking. I hug her tighter. "Bias is Jisoo, bias wrecker is Ms. Kim Jennie." I whispered in her ears. She's trying hard not to smile.

WHY IM DOING THIS OMFG 😭 anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter 🥺💓

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