The Miraculous: Part III

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When Marinette woke up, her head throbbed. She could feel eyes on her but she kept hers to the ground. She was on a soft blanket. "Hey... are you okay?" The voice that spoke belonged to a female. Her touch was light, caring.

"What do you want from me?" Marinette asks in all seriousness, after all these were the people who killed her parents. 

"Want from you?" The girl laughed, it was pretty. "Marinette... that's your name right?" The girl lifts Marinette's chin up. They are now face to face. Her skin was tan and her hair cascaded down her shoulders, turning orange at the bottom. "Well, I'm Alya... and I know this is going to be hard to hear, but we didn't kill your parents.. I know that is what you were told but-"

"Stop lying..." Marinette hissed. Who else could have? Her parents supported the Rebellion right? Marinette had always assumed that.. 

"Listen... I'm sorry. I know this must be hard." Alya pauses, keeping her hand on Marinette's chin, "but I promise we are not the bad guys here." Alya lets her hand off of Marinette and stands, reaching her arm out to Marinette. "Let me show you something." Marinette hesitates before taking the hand. Anger boiled in the pit of Marinette's stomach.

The room Alya had taken her to was full of screens, each on a different street in the city. "Marcov, pull up a photo of Dr. Bustier." All of the screens switched to a photo of a lady. Her hair was red and she had piercing green eyes, but the most noticeable feature about the woman was her bulging stomach... 

"She's pregnant." Marinette states, examining the photo. Alya nods. 

"Last night, the rebellion attacked and captured her and her husband. They cannot beat us in battle, but we always come home wounded... she was our best medic." Alya looks away from Marinette, she obviously knew her. "Marcov, show us Tom and Sabine Dupian-Cheng." Marinette's head shoot up, looking from the screen to Alya and back to the screen. "Sabine was a legend when it came to battle... she looked so innocent and yet she could swing a baton around like it was her job." Alya pauses, looking at Marinette. The pale girl was staring at Alya, urging her to go on. "I wouldn't know this from experience but I've seen the footage. Marcov, play it." In the video, Marinette's mother is about 25. Her hair is long and pulled into a ponytail. It shines in the light as she knocks out the first solider. The baton is silver with red writing on it. Marinette squints, trying to read what it says. The screen go black. "And Tom, he wasn't a warrior but he sure kept everyone laughing. I knew him. I was about 10 years old when he passed away." 

"And how old are you now?" Marinette asks, she was 5 when the Agreste's took her under their wing. 

"The same age as you.. it is hard to believe but my mom has photos of us when we were babies. Sabine did indeed die when you were about five years old. Tom loved you so much... but one night we caught him trying to sneak out. We feared that he was a spy so we wiped his memory of that night... and for some reason, he couldn't remember you. How were we supposed to explain that to him? So my mother decided to care for you, until one morning you were gone." Alya was staring at the black screen. Marinette was looking at Alya. 

"I accept your offer." Marinette says.

"You do?!" Alya turns around, excitement clear in her eyes. 

"That is what I said to Mr. Agreste last night. He asked me to be a Sargent." Marinette glues her eyes to Alya's. "And, I accept your offer as well. I could never go back to that." Marinette looked at the ground, she was crying.

"Oh girly, come here." Alya brought her into an embrace. "Someone you love is there. I could see it in your eyes when you said it." Marinette nods into Alya's shoulder. "Maybe we will see him in battle and you can convince him.." Alya suggests. "Now you have to properly meet Tikki."

"Tikki..?" Alya asks as they enter a room. Marinette couldn't see anyone. All that was there were beds. The sleeping quarters. 

"Marinette, Alya!" It was the same voice that called out to Marinette ever since she first went into the cave. Tikki was all red, minus her giant blue eyes and black spots. "Marinette, can I continue your mission now?" Marinette nods. "You have been selected as the owner of the Ladybug Miraculous. This miraculous grants you the power of creation. Your mission is to get the miraculous of the Black... I mean White Cat. Once you obtain that we can prevent them from wishing them to win the war. After you complete that mission, we will find a miraculous holder for the Cat Miraculous and we will win the war!" Tikki spins in a circle. 

"Marinette, I am going to put your earrings in now." Marinette had chosen her side. 

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