Hypnotized Me. - Prologue

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( Feel free to listen too the song anytime you'd like. I feel like it goes with the story entirely and describes it a ton.  If the song isn't there, it's in Spotify, just type in "Hypnotic by Zella Day". )

𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:
I peer at the lifeless body I had just put too sleep minutes prior and almost cringed. The look of blood on my just cleansed knife, and some on my shoes and hands made me feel absolutely wretched, and nauseating. I had an urge too clean it up quickly, and I had too do it anyways to cover up evidence from the police, so I got to it.

"Revolting." I say stoically and cold, as I usually said things. It wasn't that I was "emotionless" and "bleak", nor was it that I was scared too show my feelings, being I'm not scared of shit. I just regularly preferred to not show my emotions. They where cringy, like a kissing scene in a rom-com. Showing my feelings wouldn't help survive the most gang fulled city in New York, let alone being a gang member. But if it was a truly depressing time, I'd..why should I tell you?

I grab cleaning tools out of a cabinet in the bathroom from my victims house. Nobody just brings along cleaning tools too a murder scene unless you have a strong opinion about cleaning tools, or you're just crazy. I've done it once, but only because the victim was a drunkard, and probably had zero cleaning tools at all. I remember as soon as I walked in just being overwhelmed with the smell of beer and whiskey. It made my stomach churn just smelling it.

As soon as I was finished cleaning I roughly grabbed my phone out of my black jeans, dialing Erwin's number. Erwin was the current boss of our gang, "The Scouts." I was a soldier, as I liked too call it. I could've been second in command, but it was better too have me out in the field then doing paperwork and making business deals. He was a tall, and an abnormally buff man, with thick eyebrows that looked like caterpillars on his forehead, and his hair was usually gelled. He was a peculiar looking person, but the heart of a kind one. It was almost like he shouldn't be the boss of a gang, but so it was.

Almost immediately after I called he picked up, as it was important to pick up if I failed the attempt of murder, which wasn't often but the chance of it was never zero.

"State your name and buisness." He boomed into the phone, making a cold tone if it was a stranger.

"It's obviously Levi Ackerman, eyebrows. I finished the job." It was usual I finished the kill, leaving no mess. Not too toot my own horn, but I was a skilled soldier. I grew up with an uncle that was almost always in gang business. He thought it was important that I learned self-defense at a young age, claiming, "It might happen too you." I don't think he cared all that much though, more of it probably being to live up his legacy. I hated him for it, and I'd get payback one day.

"As always." He sighed into the phone, his voice fading from coldness to relief. Relief that it wasn't some fucked up person that said he was going to hunt down the gang.

"Can you just tell me who the next victim is?" I state in a flat tone. I liked knowing my victims names before getting back too the base, so I'd have enough time too get weapons perfected for the murder, and read through whatever their profile was.

"Right.." he stated, as if he was going to continue his sentence. I hear faint shuffling from the other side of the phone, probably from moving files.

"Ah, here it is." I hear a pause, then a deep breath before he continued talking again.

"Do you know..Grisha Jaeger by any chance Levi?" He queetions, inhaling in between "know" and "Grisha".

"If you mean personally, I don't know him for my damn life's worth. But I know him in general, like how he is a fucking annoyance of a person." I growl into the phone. Grisha was a scientist, and he kidnaps gang members too experiment on them, and kills them afterwards too hide the proof. Lately, he has been targeting our gang, so we constantly have too get new recruits.

"I'm content to hear that. Then you should know he has a son, right?" I was taken aback for a moment before straightening myself up. He has a fucking son? I didn't know he could get women, let alone have sex with them. 'His son is probably as bitchy as him.', I snarl in my head.

I scoff into the phone and roll my eyes before replying, "And what about his son?" I say getting tired of standing here. He's probably feeling stuck in our one-way conversation because I'm not interested or invested in it at all.

"To get Grisha's attention, you're going to kill off his son, Eren Jaeger. It'll benefit the gang in more ways then one." He states. I hear a light tapping noise from the phone, which was probably from straightening papers that where all in a stack, making sure they where all evened up.

"That's his name?" I say suddenly curious about the son. I don't know why I felt as if I had too know more about him, I just felt..𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐧𝗼𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝.

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