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After the Friday afternoon beating Midoryia sat in his room, endlessly thinking on what fun they could have.

He got to planning. He has until Monday to have everything ready.
He pulled out his notebook and began to plan out everything.

Once 10pm hit the dot, he knew his mother was asleep.
It was her designated sleep time.

He locked his door, grabbed his bag, put on a mask, and jumped out his window. He didn't get hurt as his floor wasn't too high off the ground and he rolled a landing.

He ran off to his base, the hang out place. He ran through the night, dipping alleyways like they were nothing. When he made it to the base he found Bakugo sitting on the couch using his phone with a calm expression. As if he had been waiting for Midoryia.

Across the room on another couch was momo,Asui, and Uruaka.

"Oh I had thought no one would be here. Not that I mind" Midoryia commented as he sat down across Bakugo and began to unload his bag.

"I had a feeling you were going to be coming. You need help on the plan?" Bakugo asked.

"I'd like to get some critique after I write it out so it'd be nice" Midoryia replied as he began to write in his notebook.

Bakugo nodded his head and went back to using his phone as Midoryia endlessly muttered and scribbled things down.

5 pages of writing later he was finished and showed Bakugo.

"First we need to train everyone.
Teach everyone anything they'll need for this which means fighting, how to get away with murder, etc.

But to train them we need weapons so we need to get a supply of guns,armory, knives, daggers, etc. We'll use the extra room to store everything.

Then we train everyone how to use those.
Once everyone is well trained I'll figure out their strong suit and who would group well. Then we can divide the 20 of us into 4 groups of 5. These groups will depict what we do but all of us will be able to kill if we want to.

Groups such as, planners, fighters, skilled killers, etc.

Once that much is figured out we can figure out our costumes. It'll have to be well designed disguises so that we don't get caught.

Once everyone's specific training is figured out we can focus on the training to get into UA. UA will help us build quirk strength and smarts while we do our work behind the scenes. No one would suspect a group of teens to do anything like this so we're good

Our main goal will be to kill people that deserve it, what we personally feel may differ as to whether the person deserved it or not but it won't matter.

If you wanna kill for fun, you're allowed to BUT you can't get caught. By any of us.

If you get caught you won't be allowed to go on missions for a while.

Basic rules for this Mafia stuff.

No betraying each other

Weapons have to be put back in the vault after usage is done

Don't get caught.

Other than that you're free to do whatever." Bakugo read to himself.

"It sounds pretty good. I don't see much you should change about it" Bakugo commented.

"Great. I'll work on this then. I'm going to my office see ya" Midoryia said walking away. Bakugo nodded his head and Midoryia was gone.

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