𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫

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Bodies of the patients litter the ground outside. Some are dead, clearly by the hands of another human. Others are ripped into shreds of flesh and muscle, bones as white as the snow. Scarier than that is the behemoth being lurking in the trees. A faceless figure standing at approximately 30 feet tall, surpassing the highest branches in forest. The body is black and humanoid, if it weren't for the appendages protruding from behind him, whirling in the frosty air.

Jeff takes a few hesitant steps forward, standing before of the beast. Y/N follows him.

How could she have missed him? Toby is standing a few feet ahead of Slenderman, his eyes are glossy and he is petrified, bottom lip trembling slightly. There's a wooden box in his arms.

Toby has nothing now. Without slenderman he is alone; a worthless madman with a couple of hatchets but Slenderman has promised him a life of purpose.

Toby knew Y/N would be his prey if he didn't bow down and submit to what the creature wants. And he wants Toby to be his proxy. He sacrificed himself in return for her insured safety.

A booming voice rattles their brains and Jeff and Y/N reach up to clasp hands over their ears only to realize the Slenderman is speaking to them within their minds, his demonic voice nestling its way into the crevasses of their brains.

"Jeff, step forth." Jeff follows the command. "Toby has submitted and is now a fine addition to my proxies. I propose to you an offer: serve me and you will have my protection and care for the rest of your life."

Y/N shivers. The energy radiating from the creature is pure evil. His voice strikes fear into the deepest part of her heart and flips her stomach around, making her queasy.

Jeff remains silent for many moments, beguiled by the invitation. Jeff isn't one to follow demands. He's never been that type of guy. He'll fly solo before he bows down to a fake God, ruling with an iron fist.

"I refuse. I will never be one of your proxies." He spits, despise seething through his teeth.

"If you are to reject my offer, you will have no significance to me or my proxies and if they ever see you in the future, they will be ordered to kill you. You will become just like any of our other prey."

Jeff nods his head respectfully. He doesn't want to kiss up to the beast but he also doesn't want it to rip his head off because he accidentally pissed it off. Slenderman bows in understanding, accepting defeat.

His long arm-like extremity reaches out and a white claw is placed on Toby's shoulder. Toby nods, knowing it's time to open the box. Inside are 2 hatchets, the same ones from the night he killed his father. He ditched them years ago, he remembers but these are the same ones. These will be his weapons from now on, forever tying him to that memory from his past. Next is orange goggles and a face shield, with a plate over the mouth that represents an eerie smile. He must have a mask just like the two men standing behind Slenderman: a man in a white mask with feminine features and another wearing a black ski mask with a red frown stitched into the cotton. They all must hide their identities.

Toby drops the box into the pile of snow, a thud resonates through the woods as he picks up the hatchets, gripping them tightly.

He completely belongs to the Slenderman now. The only part of him that he can keep for his own is the name his parents gave him. His body, mind and soul are the creature's property until the day he passes from this mortal realm. Until he no longer serves a purpose.

The gleam in his eye transforms from fearful to mindlessly enraged. He is not the same man.

Angry Toby doesn't last before his eyes begin to droop, and he sways a little, passing out. Before he can collide with the ground, the two men rush out from behind Slenderman and catch him in their arms.

Slenderman's figure elongates even more, and it looks as if his head has reached the top of the atmosphere. He looms over Jeff and Y/N as nasty, sharp teeth reveal themselves when his mouth splits open. Black ooze begins to drip from the fangs as he snarls. Tendrils fly out towards the two, constricting like snakes.

"Run, Y/N!" Jeff hollers, his voice smacking off the tree trunks to form an echo. They sprint off into the opposite side of the woods together, still hearing the roaring of Slenderman behind them. Jeff grabs her hand and pulls her along, worried she is too slow.

They make it to the edge of the forest after nearly 20 minutes of desperately racing through the woods. Jeff expertly dodged trees and bushes as well as rocks and tree roots emerging from the dirt while Y/N was tripping and stumbling over her own feet. It's like he knew this forest like the back of his hand.

Jeff and Y/N stop for a moment, trying to regulate their ragged breathing. They look at each other, unable to believe they just escaped the Slenderman.

"What happens now?" She mutters, looking at the empty road, no cars in sight. This must be a some secluded backroad, she assumes.

"We go our separate ways. . ." He replies, looking over at her. He suddenly takes her face in his large, scarred hand. He pinches her cheeks, turning her head from side to side as if he's inspecting her. Once he's done analyzing her features, he hums, "If we ever meet again, you better pray to God I remember this face."

He starts to become hysterical with laughter, giggling as he walks away, up the road. Never to be seen again, hopefully.

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐀𝐧 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐧 𝐄𝐲𝐞Where stories live. Discover now