Chapter 48: Odd Peace

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Kyon POV:

I sighed as I pet Chaos' fur as he slept soundly in my lap. I felt like I had more animal friends than actual people. Technically, Chaos was a dog, Peleus is a dragon, and Equus was basically an animal fifty percent of the time.

Sighing, I took in the peace while it lasted, no quests, no real purpose, no stress or worries. It was weird, sitting here, petting a dog, looking over a camp. I felt like I was in a country song. Everything was too tranquil, too peaceful, too calm. It wasn't the calm before the storm feeling, more like my job was done, like the Fates were no longer weaving my string with despair, and that scared me. It scared me more than it should. I was experiencing something that I never had before. My entire life had a sense of fight, stress, worry, or adrenaline pumping through my veins, but now, there was nothing. It was an almost empty feeling; the only normal feeling I got was when I was fighting the hellhounds earlier. But even that was mellow.

I guess this is normal. I chuckled to myself, no strife, no war, just living life like an average person. But then again, when has a demigod's life ever been normal? Mine definitely hasn't.

I sighed and looked at the sky. What was I going to do? I'm an adult; I could basically do anything. But it didn't feel right if I wasn't fighting something, protecting someone, or even going through with a risk-filled plan. Maybe I could help Chaos with his duties; he might need a human companion to help him out with things like doorknobs. But then again, I wanted to be around for Estelle, to be the big brother she wanted, that Equus wanted me to be.

I ran a hand through my hair, annoyed I couldn't get over the hurdle of figuring out what to do with my life. I couldn't live with Sally, that's for sure, I mean, I love them, but I need my own apartment. I needed to get a job, maybe go to college.

What would I even do? I mean, the only thing I get from my dad is running and lockpicking. I guess I could try out Track and Field and see how that goes. Enroll in college and join their team, maybe learn something on the side. That could work, and find a job nearby as well, keep everything afloat.

Nodding to myself, I tried to think of the colleges in New York I could attend. I should probably ask Chiron or the Athena campers; they would know. I didn't have the heart to get up, so I just sat there, Chaos asleep on my lap, in the middle of the camp, watching as activities went on without me.

It was oddly relaxing to see that even with two wars, the campers could continue on. Even when their leader, who they had been missing for five years, was ripped from them forever, again, they could continue with their lives.

"Oh, hey Kyon," I heard a familiar voice and turned to see Ryan walking over. He tripped on nothing and barely managed to stumble enough to stay upright. Ryan cursed under his breath as he came and sat down beside me, opposite of Chaos.

"Hey Ryan"

"Who's that?" he asked, pointing at the sleeping mastiff.

"It's Chaos, the creator or whatever." Ryan looked confused, and I rushed my explanation. "Equus sent him here as the spy of Earth. Essentially he reports to Equus what's going on here." The child of Morpheus nodded, and he looked forward, towards the campers.

"So, what are you going to do?" he started, his hands fidgeting in his lap.

"What do you mean?"

"Like since you're here now, I guess Chaos could take you up to space if you wanted. Not that I'm saying you should leave, I'm just asking if you were going to stay and if you were what you would do here on Earth. I mean, like as in, would you stay at camp or go to college." Ryan rambled. I chuckled as he looked away, embarrassed.

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