Chapter 20: 3 am Spilled Soup

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Equus POV:

I came to on the kitchen floor with soup spilled nearby. It was 3 am when I checked the oven. My antics during all my seasons have begun to get insane.

I sighed as I stood up and winced when I used my arms. I groaned as I began to clean up the mess on the floor. Placing the pot in the sink and throwing away the paper towel, I went back to my room.

It's been around two weeks since I last had a long Spring session, and let's just say it was torture. During my Fall sessions, I've gotten even more depressed and suicidal. My Summer sessions are now a blackout; I don't know what I'm doing or anything until I wake up in another season. During the Winter season, I tend not to sleep or leave the training room.

The only good thing about the insanity of my sessions is that they've gone from an hour to four at least. Meaning that it's hell in my other seasons, but when I get my Spring state, it's four hours of pure bliss.

I unwrapped my bandaged wrists and forearms. I felt guilt grip me as I looked at the healing lines I placed there. They began to open a bit when I cleaned up the soup, so I quickly rebandaged my arms as best I could.

I quickly changed into a clean outfit, my usual black cloak, pants, shirt. My horse mask hasn't moved from my face in forever, but I didn't want to risk Chaos or another seeing my face. Even though I longed to feel wind or sun on my face, I couldn't take it off.

Sighing, I looked around for items I would need to take to Earth. Grabbing all my weapons from their scattered placings around the room, I quickly equipped myself with my two swords and random daggers.

Looking over the room one last time, I nodded my head and set out for Chaos' office. Yes, it was 3 am Earth time. Did I care? No.

I burst into Chaos' study and quickly woke up the five-year-old girl passed out in a pile of paperwork.

"Waa?" she blinked awake and took a look at me. Now that Chaos was awake, she shifted to a deer and then a dragon in quick succession.

"Spring season, got maybe three and a half hours. Let's go," I explained briefly to the blood-red dragon. Chaos nodded its head and shifted to a small rabbit.

Hopping into my arms, Chaos snuggled into the side of my elbow and transported us to Earth.

I sucked in a breath as I overlooked the same green landscape, dotted with brown cabins and a blue sea outlining the edges.

I felt my head pound as I overlooked my home. Camp Half-Blood. I could feel Fall trying to take over Spring, but I couldn't let that happen. Winter and Summer cowshed against each other in my mind, each fighting for dominance.

I dropped to my knees, holding my head and dropping Chaos. Taking the initiative, Chaos jumped onto my lap and transported us to the sea surrounding Camp Half-Blood.

I blinked back tears as I felt intense raging emotions claw their way through my head. I felt deep sorrow, guilt, regret, anger, and powerlessness. Fall was gaining control.

Then my mind began to take a blurred, fuzzy state, and I felt my mind go off in its own world. I stopped crying and felt a sense of bliss at being able to forget those previous emotions. Closing my eyes, I felt my mind teeter on the edge of a blackout. Summer.

Suddenly my eyes snapped open, no longer thinking of sleeping or blacking out. Wide awake, I took in everything around me, the tiny ant crawling through the sand in front of me. The multitude of cabins behind me. Chaos had turned into a creature from another planet beside me. ADHD in overdrive, I was hyper-aware of everything. Especially my need for blood. I looked around quickly, searching for something to fight. Winter.

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