Chapter 3: Playing With Butter Knives

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Equus POV:

"This isn't funny Kyon!" I hissed as we stood in a secluded nook in the party. Kyon was cracking up, hunched over his knees. I scowled at him as I waited for him to regain his senses. This situation was completely backward, I should be the overly happy one, and he should be the stern one.

"This is fucking hilarious. Also, I'm not giving you anything; improvise. It'll be more of a challenge that way" Kyon wiped tears from under his mask and walked away, still shaking from laughter a bit. I cursed in his direction and set off for the food table.

I scoured the utensils and found four metal butter knives; they'll have to do. Their weight was pretty balanced; they should do good in the throwing department. I stuffed a cookie look-a-like in my mouth and walked closer towards the king and company.

I took a random alien from the side and danced with them. Not sure if it was a guy or girl, but it's not like it mattered. I looked at the alien, pretending to be interested in what they were saying. My mind zeroed in on my dance partner when they said something that made me freeze. Of course, in their own weird tongue that I managed to learn a few years ago.

"I'm Prince Grese. Who are you?"

I didn't show my shock of dancing with a target on the uncovered portion of my face. My mouth was still in the same slight smile it was when I started dancing.

"Oh, just a random guest, no one important, your majesty," I spoke fluidly as I eased flattery into my words. I twirled the prince and continued dancing, not sure if this is how you're supposed to dance at an alien ball or not.

Thankfully the prince didn't seem surprised, so I brushed it off. We continued dancing, but for some reason, even after I let the prince go, he didn't leave my side for long. I wondered about that, did he know of my objective? Did he plan on keeping a closer eye on me to keep me out of trouble?

I glanced at the prince standing somewhat nearby, I caught his eye, and he looked away quickly. I frowned; what was going on?

Thankfully I spotted Kyon being a wallflower and went to ask him. "Hey, the prince has been following me around ever since I danced with him. Am I blowing our cover?" I asked, keeping my voice low as I leaned against the wall. Keeping panic off my face but lacing my words with it.

Kyon snorted, and it took all my willpower not to snap my head at him. Kyon was laughing again, though not falling over himself like he was earlier.

"Oh gods, you really don't know?" Kyon wheezed, and I looked back at the prince, who was very obviously trying to appear as if he wasn't watching us. I turned my head towards Kyon, confused, and titled my head. He just laughed harder. I groaned and pushed off the wall walking away. Kyon was no help.

I found the queen by the wall and politely asked her to dance, to which she complied. I led her around the floor, getting a feel for her character, so I knew who I was dealing with. She kept her mouth shut, so I did the same. I let her go after the song ended and looked for another dancing partner.

I was getting antsy and annoyed that Kyon hadn't given the signal yet. I looked around the room and pinpointed my targets. The queen returned to her seat by the king, the prince was somewhere in my peripheral vision, and the lord was dancing with his wife.

I scanned the room for Kyon and didn't see him. The plan was almost ready then. I smiled softly to myself. Then the lights went out. Screams and shouts to stay calm echoed through the room. Quickly I took the four knives from my pocket I had snatched and threw two right into the hearts of the king and queen; they were closer.

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