Chapter 42: I Have a Simba Moment

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Equus POV:

I quickly blink my eyes, forcing the tears to remain where they were. I need to do one last thing, one last thing before campfire. I sprinted to the Poseidon cabin and retched the door open. I'm met with a massive black doggie face. I almost shrieked in surprise but slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized it was Mrs. O'Leary.

"Hey girl, you scared the bejeezus out of me" I sighed and patted her nose. The cabin was a tad bit too small for her bulk; I didn't even want to know how she got through the door. Sighing, I squeezed past her body to the only desk in the cabin, where Tyson usually worked on his gadgets.

Quickly I pulled a drawer open, having to push Mrs. O'Leary a bit to get out the piece of paper and pen. Writing in my chicken scratch, I wrote a letter to Kyon; I wouldn't be able to talk to him after I reveal myself, and I can't give him any hints about what I was going to do.

I distantly heard the horn go off once again, and I cursed when I realized it was time for campfire. Quickly signing my name at the bottom, both my real and code, I folded up the letter and placed it into my hidden pocket in my cloak. Then I squeezed past Mrs. O'Leary.

"Ok girl, ready for campfire? I'll meet you outside, ok?" I walk out the cabin door and see my hellhound sitting tall outside waiting for me. Chuckling, I walk beside her as we walk over to where the campers were swarming in.

A realization hits me: how am I going to get to space? Quickly I opened my mind link with Chaos.

How am I going to get to space?

Oh well, I'll help you with that, but I need some time to gather enough energy to complete the teleportation.

How long?

Around three minutes

Ok, I'll tell you when to start. Does it go off as soon as you're ready?

Yes, once you say to start, you only have three minutes before you're transported away.

Thanks, Chaos; I'll tell you when. I quickly close my mind link and focus on what is about to happen.

Anytime Equus.

I stop at the campfire's edge to see all the campers in a fighting stance, well, most of the campers.

"Guys, chill out, it's just Mrs. O'Leary," Clarisse shouted, one of her legs placed on her right knee, keeping a place for his spear as she sharpened it. After hearing confirmation from a veteran camper, the on edge ones slowly sat back down. Though they kept their weapons close, not trusting the hellhound.

"Ok, let's start campfire," Chiron announced. An hour or so passed with Apollo campers leading songs as the other campers joined in. The flames of the fire were high and bright yellow as the morale was high. Though the fire constantly flickered, anticipation for the reveal of my identity creeping up on the campers. Unfortunately, as I looked around the campers, I saw Thalia giving me the death glare and a look that said you-me-talk-later. Sadly I wasn't going to be here later. The thought depressed me more, but I tore my gaze from Thalia.

Nico was sitting nearby, but he wasn't glaring at me like Thalia, thank the gods. No, he was watching the Apollo cabin sing another song. I narrowed my eyes, Nico was never big on the whole campfire thing, but maybe five years changed him. I shrugged.

Then something struck out at me, where was Kyon? I ran my eyes over the campers seated and didn't see him; I saw Ryan, but no Kyon. Frowning, I tried to think of reasons he wouldn't be here. Maybe Mom and Estelle were keeping him; it wouldn't surprise me. Especially with how much he was already starting to love Estelle. I smiled sadly at the thought of my normal side of the family.

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