Chapter 13: Apollo The Lie Detector

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Kyon POV:

The counselors were all sitting around the ping pong table. Of course, Rachel and Chiron were at the head, and I was in spirit wolf form, watching.

"Ok Pollux, what does Thesis want?" Chiron spoke suddenly, and Pollux looked at him.

It's been a day since everyone returned from their quests. Before making Pollux relive everything right after he just experienced it, we all had dinner and went to bed. The next morning was the counselor meeting, where we presently were.

"Ok, so, Thesis Primordial of Reality, wants a shrine," Pollux said softly. I choked. What?

Thalia stood up, pushing her chair back. "You're joking, right? He wants a shrine? That's why he's angry? We've been chewing our fingernails for what impossible request he wants, and he wants a shrine?" she said deadly quiet, and Pollux nodded. She threw up her arms and sat back down, huffing.

"Did he tell you anything specific?" Malcolm asked, and Pollux thought for a second.

"Well, he said something about the Shrine of Materialization, but I thought he was just naming the shrine he wanted" Pollux shrugged. That name sounded familiar. Where was it from? I racked my brain, searching for answers; I got none.

"Hey, isn't that the shrine that was hidden in the labyrinth?" Clarisse thought out loud, and everyone looked at her in surprise.

"Really? Do you think I don't have ears or pay attention?" she growled out, and everyone snapped out of it.

"Yeah, that'd be correct Clarisse, though the labyrinth was destroyed, how are we supposed to get a shrine that should no longer exist?" Malcolm spoke, making everyone fall silent.

"Maybe a god took the Shrine and put it somewhere? Wouldn't be the first time," Travis suggested.

"Yea but who? There are hundreds of gods that could do that," Alex pointed out, moving around a small gadget in his fingers, disassembling it.

"Well, maybe Hermes knows. I mean, he is the god of messages, right? He could have been the one to deliver a package," Nico said, and Conner started nodding.

"Ok yea, maybe Dad knows. But how are we going to contact him? Iris-Message? Or should we just go to Olympus?" Conner asked, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"I think you should head straight to the gods. That way, if Hermes doesn't know, another god might," Chiron said with a firm voice, telling the group what was going to happen. "We'll send the entirety of the counselors, that way all the gods have a child there. Get ready to leave. I'll get Argus" with that, the counselors began filtering out, making sure they were prepared for a meeting with the gods.

I walk back through the walls of the Big House. I have to go to that meeting, but would Hades notice me if I was in spirit form? It might be a better idea to convince the Stolls to bring me. Yeah, that way, my powers don't get outed. I sigh, scratching the back of my neck as I prepare myself for negotiations.

I see the two brothers ahead and run up to them. "Hey guys! How was the meeting?" I ask as if I don't know.

"Oh, you know, boring as always. But now we have to head to Olympus, so no pranks till later," Conner huffed, and Travis nodded along, agreeing.

"Hey, can I go? I haven't seen Dad yet or Olympus. Plus, it would be pretty boring just waiting for you here" I look hopefully at them, giving them a pleading smile since that's the only thing they can see. They share a glance.

"I don't know if you can go," Travis started and rubbed his neck. Conner gave me an apologetic smile, and I huffed.

"Guess I'll just have to take up all the pranking opportunities then," I grumbled under my breath and stopped. The two brothers halted in their steps. I smirked internally. Now I've got 'em.

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