The Miraculous: Part I

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"Hey stop that, you're going to get us lost!" A female voice yelps.

"Well then stop following me!" Another voice chuckles, this one male. 

Both are laughing, running closer and closer to their demise... or their beginning. The blonde halts. His name is Adrien, he has emerald eyes, an award winning smile, and a light completion. The bluenette runs into his back, falling. Her name is Marinette, she has bluebell eyes, pigtails that would look childish on anyone else, and an even lighter completion than Adrien. The boy turns around offering a hand to the girl. When Marinette is back onto her feet, both of their eyes go to the cave that stands in front of them. It is dark, but it is beginning to sprinkle outside. Almost as if fate was drawing them in. 

"We should be okay in here," this was Adrien. His hands were on his knees as he tries to regain his breath. 

"Well we wouldn't be here in the first place if-" she never did finish that sentence. Adrien's hand is over her mouth.

".. did you hear that?" Both of their eyes are wide. Marinette shakes her head. How could she of? She was mid-sentence. "Stay here," Adrien removes his hand from her mouth, "I'm going to go check it out." Marinette just nods and watches Adrien fade into the darkness... his phone light getting smaller and smaller.

It had been about ten minutes before Marinette began to worry. "Adrien?" She asks to the darkness. "Adrien..." she stands up, brushing herself off. "This isn't funny!" Her heartrate increases rapidly. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Marinette disappears into the darkness. 

Adrien is still walking. Slowly. Brining his flashlight left and right as he takes each step. "Hello?" No answer. What did he expect? He wants to turn back to Marinette, yet something draws him forward. A voice? With each step it gets louder and louder. "Hello?" He asks again as he enters a clearing. In the center sits a box. Adrien scans the room, trying to find the person who left it... alas no one shows. He picks it up cautiously, bringing it closer to his eyes and squinting due to the lack of light. He pops the box open, no thinking just do. What did you expect? Inside sat a white ring, a blue paw print marking itself in the center. 

"Hey, you. Boy with the messy hair... you got any good food in there?" Adrien jumps at the new voice. It was staring at his bag. "Hi, I'm Plagg!" The white creature called.

"Are you like a genie in the bottle?" Adrien asks, eyeing the creature. 

"Genies are wayyyy to over-rated." Plagg replied. "Now let me introduce myself properly... I'm Plagg, the kwami of destruction. Your job is to protect Paris from.." Plagg looks down to the boys shirt, a badge of honor from his fencing lessons. His family supported the Western Rebellion in this war, rather than the Northern Force. "Listen kid, your enemy is the Northern Force and they are about to get a new warrior. She will go by Ladybug. They always do." This doesn't worry Adrien.

"As long as I have Marinette by my side, the Western Rebellion has to win!" Adrien says this with confidence. Plagg smiles at this.  

"You're mission is to retrieve Ladybugs miraculous. If you do this you will be granted one wish, you can wish for the Western Rebellion to win!" This seemed well thought out. Adrien seemed very excited. "No one can know your identity yet..." Plagg says as Adrien slips the ring on. It was almost if, for a second Marinette did not exist. 

"Adrien?" Marinette cups her hands around her mouth, attempting to project the sound. She follows the footprints that lay in the sand. "Adrien!" She yells. Still no response. Where is he? Marinette pauses when the footprints disappear leaving nothing but an empty trail. "ADRIEN?!" Marinette was worried now. Where could his tracks have gone? She examines the room... she is is an opening... a cave. She trips and falls forward, her head throb's, "Adrien.." was the last thing she said before her eyes closed. 

"Marinette..." a voice Mari has never heard before whispers. "Marinette wake-" the voice changes,

"-up." Adrien is shaking her. "Thank goodness you're okay! My father would have killed me if you were to have gotten hurt." Marinette watches him move. So much energy. "You sure you're okay?" Marinette watches Adrien, still dizzy. 

"I'm fine." Marinette smiles and stands. "No one else was here right? I swore I heard another voice." Adrien's eyes closed as he said no, ignoring the fact that he was lying to his best friend. She must've heard Plagg. The blonde thought, not knowing the voice she heard was female. 

"Lets get you home Mari." Adrien says as he wraps her arm around his waste, steadying her. 

"Do you have my sketchbook?" Marinette asks, that is why she chased him out here in the first place.

"We can get it tomorrow, we need to make sure you aren't hurt."

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