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Hey... Thank you all so much for not only getting us to about 2k reads at the time I'm starting this but thank you for all your comments. I never realized how much they inspire me! You guys are amazing, and I love you all my {insert super chill group name}! (Seriously I'll shout you out if I pick your name for the group or something.)

Here is the link for this chapter's mental research: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/post-traumatic-stress-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20355967

Komaeda's Point of view

I looked at the somewhat shorter brunette. Amazing... That was the last word I would use to describe these scribbles. There was practically no shading, and they all look disgusting. Still, Hinata-Kun seemed invested in the trash made by trash.

"You don't need to lie Hinata. The lines are all shakey, my shading looks extremely animated, and the art overall suck-"

"Oh shut up Komaeda!" He lightly hit my arm, which still caused pain to sear through me. His once kind olive eyes were now widened, a hand clasped over his mouth. "Oh, Komaeda-San I am so sorry!" He grabs my arm, raising the sleeve. To both of our surprise, the once milky skin that was on my arm turned shades of brown and yellow that I couldn't comprehend.

Yes, it did hurt a small bit when he hit me, but that was still a weak hit. What was going to hurt me next? A little dog jumping on my lap?

I was snapped back into reality by Hinata, who seemed to still be sorry. He pressed his tanned fingers around the skin, causing me to pull away. "Hinata-Kun, trash like me doesn't need to be taken care of. I'm just a stepping stone for ultimates!"

"Well thank Hell I'm not an ultimate then! Just let me help make it up to you somehow." Hinata got up and looked around the small room. "Here," He grabs some iced water, "I know it won't be the best to help with healing, but it will help a bit I guess." He hands me the small paper cup, filled around two-thirds of the way with water.

"Thank you, Hinata, but why are you treating me so well? It's just some stupid bruise anyway. You really don't have to care."

"Komaeda, I want to care about you... Is that bad or something?


Yes it really is Hinata

All different locked away memories seemed to break out of their chains just to torment me. Images flashing through my mind as if someone was turning a flashlight on and off.

"Mam, I'm sorry to say, but your son.... making it past... I'm very sorry"

"What!? No, but he... He's my only child, sir! How can I make..."



"Daddy, why do I always have to go to the hospital? All the other kids at school play outside all the time"

"Ko, we just can't risk it... What if we go on a trip or something? You know, to get our minds off of things!"

"Yay! I can't wait to fly in an airplane with you and mommy!"



My parents giving me their final smile before the terrorist attacks...

... The masked man giving me that sinister smile right as the meteor hits the plane...

Hearing my mom and dad scream as they fell out of the plane...



"Baby, really. This will be the only surgery, mommy promises"

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