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Y/n's POV

I watched with amazement visible in my eyes. Kageyama tossed the ball and Hinata quickly spiked it and I gasped.

"Wow... that was... fast"I said. Kiyoko-san chuckled.

"It's always like that, Hinata never fails to amaze everyone"She said with a soft voice.

They took a break and went to my and Kiyoko-san's direction.

I helped them so I won't be useless here.

"Y/n-san? Maybe you want to be a manager?"Kiyoko-san suggested.

"Eh? But you already have Yachi? They still have you too?"I asked confused.

"Yachi isn't officially a manager yet she's still thinking and judging what you did for the team just now, you could be a manager and Yachi could learn a lot from you"She explained.

"W-well the idea being their manager... aren't bad at all"I said but Hinata seemed to overheard our conversation.

"EH?! Y/N-SAN?! YOU'RE GOING TO BE OUR MANAGER TOO?!"He beamed happily.

I chuckled nervously.

"Really?!"Yachi's eyes shined too. 

"U-uhm... yeah if y-you wan---"

"We liked it! We have another manager!"Hinata. I chuckled and my chest felt heavy from happiness.

"Sorry to interrupt the fun but y'all should go to your classes"Takeda sensei. We nod and tidy up things.

I walked to our classrooms.

"Never thought you'd want to be a manager"Yamaguchi.

"Just trying new things"I said and smiled.

We focused on the lessons. 

The class ended and we're now heading to the gym.

"Oh, you guys should head first"I said,

"Where are you going?"Yamaguchi.

"Bathroom. I'll follow"I said and smiled. I went to the bathroom and saw Akari there.

"Oh hey bitch. You didn't went home, probaby slept with a random man"She said smirking.

I just looked down and didn't say anything.

"I saw you hanging out with the boys volleyball, you're such a slut. But I bet they will leave you soon enough and also that Yachi, she's so boring and low, no wonder you two blend a lot"She said and laughed. I glared at her.

"You don't have the rights to judge my friends!"I said.

She slapped me hard.

"You don't have the RIGHTS to yell at me! I'm telling mom and dad!"She said and left. I let my tears ran off to my cheeks. I wiped my tears and washed my face.

After that I went to the gym just to be welcomed by the team practicing so hard. They finally took a break and Takeda sensei barged in and fell, my eyes widened.

"Sensei!"I screamed in shock.

"Are you ok?"Coach Ukai.

"We're going, right?"Takeda sensei.

We're shocked and confused.


"Your nose is bleeding!"I gasped.

"Tokyo!"Takeda sensei. We all looked at him.

"If we're going to Tokyo, that means... We're going to meet Nekoma, aren't we?"Hinata beamed happily.


"Are we going to train with them?"Kageyama. Takeda sensei nod and discussed everything as I listened attentively.

After discussing the boys bowed and thanked Takeda sensei, causing him to jump a bit. I smiled at the sight. Takeda sensei continued to talk and I was just looking a them.

"I'm going to take us to victory this time!"Noya.

"I'm going to take on that City Boy Alliance!"Tanaka.

"City boy?"Kei teased and laughed.


I laughed at them and Hinata looked at me with a smile, I returned that smile and continued  to watch them getting fired up.

Takeda sensei left and we continued to talk.

"All right clean up before you leave"Coach.

"Yes, sir!"

We tidy up and locked the gym.

"L/n-san! Let's walk together!"Yachi beamed. I smiled and nod.

We were all walking and decided to buy meat buns.

"Y/n-san, are you really one of our managers now?"Hinata asked. I chuckled and nod. I talke with my co-first years and laughed with them. As we were hanging out, Akira's group crossed paths with us.

"Oh, Y/n"Akira. She called me. I looked at her and my mind began to cloud. I saw Hinata's eyes shine. The boys seemed to be mesmerized by her, especially Tanaka-san and Noya-san. Kiyoko-san and Yachi-san looked relaxed while Yamaguchi held an worried look and Kei held an annoyed one.

"Eh? Akira, isn't she your family's made"One of her guy friends said making me looked down in shame.

The boys looked at me confused and Kei looks like he's about to beat the shit out of that guy.

"Hey, don't be like that"Akira said and smiled as she roughly stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry about that"She said and flashed an innocent smile. Everyone in volleyball team is confused.

Now they would think I'm lying... Fuck life 

They decided to stay with us making me so uncomfortable, her guy friends are making fun of me but I tried my best to ignore them.

"Y/n-san"Hinata called.

I flashed him a fake smile as I walked a bit farther from them to prevent my tears being seen by them.

Hinata's POV

I looked confused as she walks away.

"Is she ok?"I asked and Tsukishima glared at me causing for me to freeze.

What's wrong with this salty boi?! That glare is hella scary! 

"Hinata-kun, sorry but we couldn't tell it to you"Yamaguchi said and looked at Y/n-san. I frowned but sighed as I went back to Kageyama's side with the whole team talking with Akari-san.

"Guys! You should head home! I'll go with our dearest Y/n!"Akari-san yelled and her friends snickered. I even saw Y/n-san shaked. 

Yn's POV

"Guys! You should head home! I'll go with our dearest Y/n!"I heared my sister and I shaked in fear.

"Y/n come here!"She yelled as I hesitantly come to them with my bestfriends behind me.

"You know Y/n you should trust your friends, right?"She asked and smirked. I knew what was about to happen as I panic and looked at her with begging eyes.

"What's going on?

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