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Y/n's POV

We arrived back at Miyagi and Hinata insisted in walking me home.

"I'm so hungry!"I whined.

"Should we go to my house instead?"He asked. I pout and shook my head.

We arrived at the train station.

"You can leave me here, Hinata you might not catch the train later"I said. He shook his head.

"I'll drop you off, I can stay at your apartment"He said.

"My parents won't like that idea. They might include you in our conflict"I said with a worried tone.

"I'll be fine, N/n"

"Whatever, you have clothes with you right?"I replied. We rode the train and we arrived at our apartment and welcomed by dead silence.

"Guess they're not home?"

We entered and got flustered when we saw Akari making out with someone.

Wtf?! I thought no one's home!

Hinata's face grew so red and Akari and her man noticed us. I threw her a disgusted look.

"I don't get the reason of you calling me slut when you're the one acting it"I blurted out.

"What? What did you say?"She snapped.

I ignored her and continued to drag Hinata.

"I'll make you regret that! You shit!"

I ignored her and dragged Hinata with me.


I tackled him into a hug and he returned it.

"I'm dead, Hinata"I said and sobbed against his chest as he stroked my hair.

"A-akari would do something. I-I know she would"

"Y/n, everything would be fine. You have the team, you have me"He said with a very soft voice.

"I miss her, I miss the old Akari"


"We're inseparable before, we're so close and others envy us for being so close to each other. Everything is fine though our parents never really liked me, she always stood up for me. It all started on our junior, she met new friends, she starts to ignore me but I thought she was just busy. I was  popular during that time but not as popular as her. I don't know why she hated me, and she made tho-those p-pictures"I said.

"Hinata, I love my family despite how they treat me. My life is so fucked up until I met you, you light up my life, you made me feel so much happiness. Hinata, I love you"I said and looked at his shocked face but then proceed to smile.

"I love you too, Y/n"He said and kissed me.  After that we cuddled until we fell asleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up kinda early and then I remembered we have classes today.

"Hinata, wake up. We have classes today"

"What time is it?"


"Too early!"He whined.

"You have morning practice! Baka! You didn't brought your uniform too!"I yelled at him.

"Oh right!"He said. I told him to get bath first and he wore his extra clothes after him I get bath and wore my uniform.

We went down and saw no one.

"We'll eat at my house"He said. As soon as we stepped out, Yachi did too.

"Eh? Hinata-kun?"

"Good morning Yachi-san!"He beamed.

"Good morning Yachi"I also greeted.

"Good morning, Y/n-san, Hinata-kun"We all walked to school together but stopped by Hinata's house for a bit to get his uniform and some food.

We arrived at the school and they started their morming practice.

-Magical Time Skip: Next Morning(I'm being lazy again, sorry)-

I'm walking with Hinata and everyone is staring at me.

"Is there something wrong with me?"I asked Hinata.

"You look fine"He said equally confused as me.

Suddenly Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama came rushing to me.

"You just arrived?"Kageyama asked and I nod.

"What is going on?"I asked. I saw Kageyama whispering something to Hinata.

"Tell me, what is it?"I said.

They looked worried at me.

"FUCKERS!"I heard Noya-san screaming.

"What the hell is happening?"I asked and pushed them though they tried stopping me. I walked further and saw the rest of the team ripping off something, a paper flew to my direction and I froze from what I say. Now everyone's eyes are on me.

"Y/n-chan..."The team mumbled.

I ran to search for Akari as my tears continuously falling. The first years ran behind me and been calling me.

I saw her with her friends smirking and laughing.

"Akari!"I screamed her name.

"What is this again?!"I yelled at her voice filled with rage.

"I don't know what did I even do to you to deserve all of these!"I said and slapped her. Everyone is staring at me with judging eyes, I just slapped the famous vlogger. I don't care if I would go viral.

"Bold of you to land your dirty hands on my face!"She screamed and I slapped her again as I walked away.

"Y/n..."The volleyball team called me.

"Please, don't follow me"I told them and I walked away.

I was walking down the streets now while crying.

"Y/n! Stop right there!"

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