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Y/n's POV

I smiled brightly at him. He looks like he's about to cry.

"Y/n! You slept too long!"He whined making me chuckle.

"Don't cry idiot!"I said and his tears fell and he cried like a baby.

"I just said don't cry"I chuckled and wiped his tears.

"I missed you"He said whie pouting.

"I miss you too"I said and continued to wipe his tears.

"Don't cry, you're making me cry too"I told him. He stopped crying and looked at me.

"What happened during the time I'm sleeping?"I asked him.

"Other than I missed you so much there's nothing more important than that"He said. 

"Is that so? Well Hinata I missed you too"I said.

"Stop being sweet to each other so much! Hinata! Let us have Y/n-san!"Noya-san yelled startling the both of us.

"You're so stupid!"Suga-san scolded him.

We hang out and my parents ordered food for everyone.

-Years Passed-

(There would be spoilers from the manga)

"Akari! You're so slow!"I yelled at her.

"Just wait, hey guys! Sorry my sister is so excited!"She said to the camera and I rolled my eyes at her and running down the stairs and almost slipped.

"Hey! Be careful! You almost slipped! He'll kill me!"She said.

"Sorry!"I said and let out a chuckle. We enter our parent's car.

"You're so excited"Mom. I nod hysterically.

"I don't like the idea missing one of his games"I said.

"Let's stop by Osamu's store"Akari suggested.

We continued vlogging until we arrived at Osamu's. We're actually close to him since Akari transferred to Inarizaki at the middle of our second year and she's also dating Atsumu.

Osamu greeted us and served us newly made Onigiris.

"Wow, your Onigiris are the best!"I said while munching.

After that we thanked him and left.

-Time Skip-

We arrived at the destination.

"Wow it's huge"I mumbled.

"It's because there would be so much people that would be watching them"Akari

In the past few years our family got resolve. Everything is not so easy at school at first but they learned to forget what my sister did and forgive her. She suggested me to make my own channel which I did and we always do some collabs and stuff. Me and Akira ended up being an actress too. Now we're gonna watch Hinata's game, he's now a pro-volleyball player.

"Y/n! Here!"We heard Kuroo.

"Hey!"I greeted them.

"Be careful Y/n"Akari. I just nod. I set my eyes at the game and watched the game. 

"Shoyo! I'm here! "I greet him when their match ended. Shocking everyone.

"Y/n"He beamed and smiled. I waved at him and I heard Akari's sigh.  

"Huh? What's wrong?"I asked. 

"Dumb, did you forget that you hid your relationship with Hinata?"Akari. I widened my eyes.

"You're right"I gasped.

"Oh my god, I can't with my sister"She mumbled.

"Hmm, whatever. I didn't met him that much since I've got a very busy schedule"I said and ran to Hinata almost getting slipped again.

"Y/n! For Pete's sake it's the second time you almost slipped!"Akari. I ignored her and gave Hinata a hug.


"Hey! Hey! Hey! Y/n-san!"Bokuto-san.

I smiled at them. 

"Hinata is lucky, Akari didn't even glanced at me"Atsumu-san sulked and I giggled.

"Y-y/n, everyone's staring and taking a picture"Hinata whispered. I looked at him still not breaking the g=hug.

"I don't care, there's no point in hiding it"I said and he smiled.

"If that's the case then I can do this"He said and kissed me. And the place got filled with "awws"

"Get a room you two!"Atsumu-san. We broke the kiss and stared at him.

"You just can't bother Akari because you'll probably end up getting slapped again"I said and sticked my tongue out at him and he gasped. Akari is now walking at us.

"A-akari! Your sister is so mean!"He complained. 

"I don't care Atsumu. Go bother someone else. I still didn't forget that you ate my pudding!"She yelled at him. I chuckled a the two and moved my attention back at Hinata.

"I love you"He said and smiled which I returned.

 "I love you my tangerine, my sunshine, my everything"

-The End-


Sorry if the ending came out pretty boring.(it was kind off rushed and I also can't think of a better ending other than that) But I do hope that you enjoyed it. 

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