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Y/n's POV

I was laying with Yachi, everyone's asleep now but I can't.

"Y/n, can't sleep?"I heard Yamaguchi.

"Yeah"I said. I got up as well as him. We decided to stay at the back of Hinata's house.

"You like him, don't you?"He asked and I looked at him confused.

"Hinata"He said. My cheeks heated up and he smirked.


"Your ears are turning red"He teased again.

"Fine! I like him!"I admitted. I don't know when did it even start but I can tell I like him.

"It's kind of obvious though"He said.


"You stare at him A LOT"He said.

"Whatever Yams, he probably doesn't like me back"

"You never know"He shrugged. After some minutes we went back and slept.

-Next Morning-

We're all now infront of the school, they tried to stop me because I had a fever last night but I insisted.

"I'm nervous...."I mumbled. Hinata smiled at me.

"It's going to be ok!"He beamed and my face heat up.

"Y/n-san! You're red"Yachi.

"Am not"I denied.

Hinata and Kageyama pulled me to the gym while running.

"He-hey! Hold on! Hold on! Heeey! You two idiots run too fast!"I said but they just chuckled.

We reached the gym and everyone is looking at me.

"Uh.... hi?"

"Y/n-san!"Noya and Tanaka yelled and tackled me into a hug, luckily we didn't end up laying on the floor.

"Don't do that! You might hurt Y/n-san"Suga.

"You aren't mad or something?"I asked. They smiled.

"Of course not, we're worried"Kiyoko-san. I teared up a bit but I quickly wiped it off.

Time went by and we're now heading to our respective classrooms.

-Magical Time Skip: After class-

We're now sitting in front of Coach Ukai and Takeda sensei, except Yachi she needs to get home early.

"About the trip to Tokyo. For now we're planning to get it next month. For trips like this, we'll need your permission from your guardians"Takeda sensei spoke causing me to stiffened.

They looked at me and Takeda sensei looked at us confused.

"Uh... Is everything ok?"Takeda sensei. I nod.

"I'll pass out the paperwork later"He continued.

"However, as I'm sure you are aware  you have final exams starting next month"

Hinata, Kageyama, Noya and Tanaka stiffened and I looked at them shocked.

"What happened?"I asked.

"You are aware, right?"Takeda sensei. The four looked away.

"If you fail any of your subjects supplementary classes will be held that weekend"

The four trembled and I looked at them in horror.

"Which means you won't be able to go to the games"

Noya and Tanaka ran and Daichi is stopping them he told Ennoshita to catch them which he immediately did.

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