𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

ابدأ من البداية

"i heard a scream, what happened?" val geo-leaped into the lab, spotting a very angry bree looking at her messed up hair in a toaster reflection.

"what did you do?"

"i did what i had to do. your hair was collateral damage to a world gone mad!"

"i should've just dropped you off and gone home."

"the yearbook picture is tomorrow. what am i supposed to do about my hair?"

"well, for starters, you should put on a hat. it's really offensive."

"adam!" the balderas girl whisper shouted, tossing the toaster at adam and analyzing bree's hair. "you could try a wig?"

"why don't you just go back to the salon and get the same haircut on the other side?"

"you burned it off! a salon can't fix this!"

"well, then why are you paying 'em all that money?"

"mister davenport!"

"wow! you look awful."

"men need to learn when to keep their mouths shut."

"we really should," adam sighed. "oh well."

"what, did you lose a bet?"

"no, adam did this."

"why would you let adam cut your hair? that's on you, girly."

"it was an accident, but you can fix this, right? i mean, you've gotta have some kind of fancy davenport hair growth solution."

"why would i have that?"

"i don't know, because you wear that crazy wig."

"this is my real hair."

"oh, that's even sadder," adam chuckled, moving to the side.

"take me with you."

"how am i supposed to take a yearbook photo tomorrow with half of my hair missing?"

"well, it can't be any worse than last year," mister davenport imitated a zombie, making it hard for val to keep in her laughter. "i'm kidding. don't worry, i'm sure i can modify some over-the-counter hair growth serum to regrow your hair overnight. i'm kind of busy, but i can probably go later-"

"do it now!" bree ordered in a demonic voice, frightening donald before grabbing valerie and dragging her out of the lab.

"bubs, please calm down."

"how am i supposed to be calm? adam. burnt. off. my. hair!"

"please don't raise your voice, my ears are still sensitive from when you ranted about chase and adam's pranks."

"i'm sorry," bree scrunched up her face, her voice being back to normal. "i just don't want another bad photo."

"you won't get another bad photo, sonic. mister davenport will fix something up for you, and everything will be back to normal in the morning when i come pick you and the morons up for school, alright?"

proteus ~ bree davenportحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن