En başından başla

I peered over to Caleb to catch him looking my way.

He sent me a small smile and I replied with the same, including a wave as well.

He pointed to me and then to himself and then motioned a dance.

Is he asking me to dance?!

"I will always be here to support you and take care of you... but I really do think that the both of you could be something great." Kai wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gave me a tight squeeze.

"Go and dance with him, talk to him and get to know him." He practically pushed me towards Caleb and shook me away with a knowing smile.

I mouthed a small 'thank you' in which he replied with a heart warming smile.

I turned myself back around to try and find Caleb but he wasn't where he once was.

I squint slightly as I look around the area, searching for mr tall dark and handsome.

"Looking for someone?" I smiled and turned around, hugging the person standing behind me.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you all night." I said with a giggle as I pulled back and kissed them on the cheek.

"You've been to busy talking to Kai" I pouted at the little frown they held.

"Oh Mary, you can interrupt me at any time!" I said with a laugh and picked her up to give her a soft hug.

"Do you mind if I interrupt you?" I quickly span around to come face to face with Caleb.

"Hello Mare Bear, long time no see!" He said to Mary and clapped his hands and held them out to her.

I look between the two of them confused as Mary giggled and fell into his arms.

"How have you been kiddo? How is Butters?" He asked her as she played with his hair and giggled.

"Butters lost an eye but daddy was able to fix it and now he is all better!" She squealed in delight as she talked about her favourite stuffed animal.

"Wow you guys are close." I stated as I tickled Mary's side to make her giggle again.

"Yeah, her father Hayden is one of our closest friends." He said as he bounced Mary up and down in his hip.

"This little one is actually my goddess daughter." He chuckled happily as Stacey and Hayden made there way over to us.

"Is this little one annoying you guys?" Hayden asked as he took a hold of his daughter.

"No, not at all!" I said a little too quickly.

"Well it is getting closer to your bedtime little lady so I think we should be on our way." Stacey said as she poked Mary's side.

There was a little pout that was also followed by a yawn and Mary rubbing her eyes.

"Told you!" Hayden laughed as he rocked his daughter.

"Goodnight miss Sophia" Mary waved at me and then turned to Caleb "goodnight Stormie" he rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled at the tired little girl.

"Goodnight Mare Bear" He replied while waving at her.

"I'll see you once we put Mare down and my mum is settled with her!" Stacey squealed with excitement as they skipped away with their daughter.

"So... Stormie..." I trailed off, holding back a laugh.

"It's a long story but yes, I am Stormie to her." He explained rubbing the back of his neck again.

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