ix. drunk

49 8 82

guys this is when the spooky stuff comes in, i dont know if i've been dragging it out too long but yeah this is when it starts lol


ix. drunk

'wasted every n i g h t 

gone for every s o n g 

faded every n i g h t

dancing all night l o n g ,

drunk all s u m m e r'



"What if one day God came down to earth, said "it's pronounced 'jod,' and then left?"

I shake my head and let out an irritated sigh. "I don't know, Novella."

Amir chimes in. "What if tomatoes aren't a fruit or a vegetable, but they're their own species?"

I groan and bury my face in my hands. "I don't know."

Novella starts to ask another existential question, but I tune her out as best I can.

They've been like this for the past thirty minutes. Rambling on about things nobody knows the answer to, literally talking a hundred miles an hour without stopping for a breath.

They are both chatty when they are drunk.

The activity in the Blue Moon has picked up slightly since we arrived; people are dancing in the middle of the room, including Kennedy and Atticus who are dancing in a NSFW manner, his hands on her hips, her back pressed to his chest, her hand in his hair, his mouth on hers.

If those two don't get married I will throw a fit.

Anyway, I enjoy the medium tempo of the atmosphere. The Blue Moon is a place no SBU students go to; it's on the other side of town and it's smaller. It works out perfect for us, especially since we can get in with no ID.

"Do you think everything happens for a reason, Amy?" I hear Nova ask Amir.

He pauses before answering. "I don't know, Baby Nove. You happened for a reason."

I let out a little cough, restraining what would be a lame dirty joke and keep it to myself.

Nova sighs. "I just wish people were nicer to each other. And I wish things could just go back to being simple. Nowadays, everything has become a political opinion. My political opinion is that people should shut the hell up and drown themselves in fertilizer."

"Uhh, what?"

She gives me a smile. "Don't you ever want to throw handfuls of fertilizer at people and tell them to grow the hell up?"

I can't help it; I laugh. Her eyes are wide and sparkly, filled with more light than I've seen in the past few days.

I glance past her and see Amir chatting with some girl. I smirk a little, wondering how he was going to let her down.

I watch as he says something and then the girl's face flushes and she covers her mouth in embarrassment, but then her eyes widen and she says something to him in an excited manner, and then darts back into the crowd.

I just have to say...what the fuck?

"Who was that?" Nova asks excitedly.

Amir laughs. "She asked to dance and I let her know that I'm not into girls and she was embarrassed and then she told me to hang on and wait and then she left."

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