vi. gold

47 10 64

vi. pretend

'time goes by 

and lovers turn to strangers

people stop believing

but if there's one thing that i know

we'll still be kissin in the cold'

(julia michaels)



"Does it smell like rich boomers in here?" Amir sniffs from my side at the bar, glancing around.

"It reeks," I mutter back, crossing my arms and leaning against the counter. Kennedy and Julian are getting more to drink, Novella still hasn't come back from the bathroom, and Amir and I stand waiting, more bored than anything. This event has dragged its feet entirely too long. All I want to do at this point is get out of this golden ballroom, go home, maybe get a hit or two, and then play Among Us until I fall asleep.

Sounds like a vibe.

But naturally, the universe doesn't vibe with my vibes, so Julian guesses we are going to be here for another hour or so.

Nothing has really happened. Rich boomers have mingled and eaten their food, bought ridiculously expensive paintings and sculptures, all the while the air feeling tense moody.

I haven't seen Jason since the whole Nova incident earlier. I think he left. But I do see a group of juniors sitting around a table near the doorway, heads bent together as they whispered something to each other.

"Do you think Nova's been in the bathroom too long?" I mutter to Amir.

"Yeah, we should go-" He immediately starts to walk, but I shake my head and hold out a hand to stop him.

"I'll go," I say, straightening up.

Amir raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?"

"I mean like-you and Novella aren't as close."

"Exactly." Without much explanation, I walk off towards the exit of the ballroom, pulling at the itchy sleeves of my tux.

A few of the SBU girls at their table eye me as I pass, and I just send the red head a wink and push the doors open, exiting the room.

I'm not sure why I feel like I am the one who needs to go get Novella. Maybe because we aren't as close, but I want to be.

When I reach the girl's bathroom, someone is storming out of it, their blue dress swirling.

"Elsie, hey," I slow down. Her eyes slid coldly to mine, and I shudder.

Sis doesn't look too good.

"What," She snaps, clutching a small makeup bag in her hands.

"Is Nova in there?" I nod towards the bathroom.

Elsie's face twists in fury. "God, what is it with everyone's obsession with that girl?"

I blinked, a bit shocked.

I clear my throat. "Um, well, she-we are just worried."

"Worried?" Elsie echoed.

When I nod she just scoffs and pushes past me, in the direction of the parking lot.

I wrinkle my nose, watching her walk down the hallway, her hands in fists and her hair in tangles.

I sigh and shake my head, lift a fist to knock on the girls' bathroom, and-

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