𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕

307 8 23

Just keywords:

Italics: Flashbacks
Bold: Nothing really
Bold AND Italics: Me talking—(or quotes)
###: Censored name

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"There's really nothing we can do," sighed AU and closed his eyes, "Absolutely nothing..."

AL and AU were in the library, quietly trying not to wake the Arab and African countries up, they were conjuring up some plans to meet the other foreign countries and organizations. AU felt nothing could work, he knew one organization and it was NOT a good one, ISIS.

From what AU heard from Egypt, Isis was this Egyptian goddess—but this ISIS was an organization that terrorist other countries, some African countries had a few attack from the ISIS members and it did not go well.

Eritrea had a bandaged arm after the fight between the ISIS and the African countries, Niger had to stay in bed for at least a week—Namibia broke his wrist, Somalia lost an eye and Guinea survived from an explosion that was thrown in his direction.

"What's with the negativity?" asked AL and pushed a few books back in the shelve. "You know you can't be worried forever."
"And you know you can't always be happy when bad things happen..."
"Look, I know you're worried sick and work has been overwhelming—but at least your family is...sorta okay...?"

                                                                                       *    *    *

"What is that?" asked Australia and frowned at a black orb that was float in Botswana's hand. "Never seen it before..."

(Ya'll guys thought I forgot about Australia? Of course I did not. Also, there's some imaginative objects in this book like Keeper of the Lost Cities, I suggest to read that series cause it's AMAZING. When I say imaginative objects I meant objects that is more in fantasy land not reality? Understand? Okay you understand—)

"I'm guessing you've never seen a Censor before?" asked Botswana and frowned. "Weird, I thought countries like you have more technology than us."
"I—oh shut up!"
"Whatever you say Moshanyana e Motle," chuckled the African country and set the black orb in Australia's hand.

The black orb contained just one fluffy feather, a feather that could've changed the future. The black orb was to teleport to another place but kept you unseen from the person's eyes—Ethiopia had invented it 2 years ago and since then some African countries used it to try teleport to another place, but apparently Ethiopia said the device only works IF you have been to the place before, so the African countries usually used it when they had to check their people and all that. Ethiopia eventually improved the device by adding extra security in case any person or foreign country sees them, he also made them for EACH African country, each of the device had a emergency button—meaning if any country is in trouble they could just press the button and help will be on its way. The black substance was a powerful liquid one of Ethiopia's people found in a river, he made sure his people didn't know about this so that they don't get way too nervous. The feather was from a phoenix bird, the feather was much fluffier and lighter than any feather Ethiopia has touched.

"You've been keep calling me that for the past days and didn't told me what it means!" whined the Oceania country and let out an audible scoff.
"I'm not telling you what it means," said Botswana and shrugged, "Figure it out by yourself."
"Do I look like I speak your language Seaweed Eyes?"
"Seaweed Eyes?"
"That's a nickname for you dummy."
"That's a weird name, Moshanyana e Motle."
"You see! You keep calling me that, just please tell me what it means!"

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