4~ Love-stricken Royal Guard

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Even when you were in the Underground, you always thought they royal guards were so cool. Everything about them was just so inspirational to you in a way, from how strong and tough they were to just the way they interacted with each other. And today was the day for tryouts. There was a new spot on the team of guards, for Frisk's personal guard. You took a deep breath and walked out the door, ready for tryouts. 


"Alright, kid. Fight me. Show me what you've got." Undyne said. You summoned your swords, though making them smaller. You glitched behind Undyne and attacked with one sword, the one you were holding. You used the other swords to create deadly golden wings on your back, the special move you had been preparing for this moment. She turned around and almost knocked you over with a spear. You glitched out of the way and attacked once more. 

This time you hit. Undyne fell over, gasping in surprise. 

"Not bad. What's your name kid?" She asked. You let your swords disappear into thin air, trying to calm yourself. You had gotten this far already, don't blow it now. 

"I'm Y/n." You said simply. Undyne told you that you would make a great guard for Frisk, and that your first training session was in two days. You thanked her and went back home where Frisk and Chara were waiting for you. On the way, you decided to call Error and tell him the good news. 

The phone rang for a few seconds before he picked up. It was clear that he was watching Undernovela by the background noise.

"What's up Y/n?" He asked.

"Okay so you know how I said I was going to try out for the royal guard?" You replied. He hummed in acknowledgment. 

"I got in." You said, there was an audible gasp and a glitch noise before Error appeared beside you. He hugged you tightly.

"I'm so proud of you!" He said. You hugged back, feeling a few tears of happiness welling up in your eyes. He bid you a short goodbye, saying that your friends would want to see you. 


That night, you could barely sleep from excitement. You were finally equal to those you looked up to. You were just like them, though maybe not as tough or as strong. You knew it was generally very difficult to get in, so for you to get in with only a few minute's fight must mean that you're pretty powerful. It was now your job to protect Frisk, and now that you thought about it, how close you were was nice. The way he treated you made you feel warm inside, and when someone mentioned him in a conversation you felt a strange nervousness. 

Did you like him? Whenever he called you his best friend, your heart sank a little. But, when he sat close to you, your stomach did a flip. The way his determination was unfazed in even the worst of situations was so admirable. The fact that it was now your job to be close to him and protect him was just so strange to you. No, you can't like him like that. Your love for him would only hinder your abilities. But if you ignored it, it wouldn't just go away. 

You know you like him. Don't deny it. Said a voice in your head. You sighed and mentally acknowledged the fact that you did like Frisk, as more than a friend. 

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