Chapter II- Kill, Accuse, Vote

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It's been a long time since I felt this sensation...

However, I should not take this lightly. After all, I'm in a game, and I can't afford to lose.

I have to do this so I can save someone.

[Annie's POV]

How long is this gonna take? It feels like an hour or two passed already, and still no report or any information. The murderer sure be taking their sweet time killing someone.

I checked the tablet, and it's 3:48, few more minutes remain until the lights should go back on, based on the journal.

I lit up my lantern and began writing something on my journal to pass the time. I listed those who I assume could be evil, but I won't accuse unless I get actual evidence for now. It's way too risky for me to accuse with no proof, because of the fact that some here know each other. I have to think strategically, and prevent myself from being killed and from being voted out.

I have no room for fear when my life and the others depends on this twisted game.

*ring* *ring*

Hmm... The tablet began ringing. I checked the tablet and got a notification saying; "Information received." Time to find out.

Alex visited: Annie

You will now be informed of Alex's location for the rest of the day.

WHAT THE-? How the hell did he visit me? He wasn't even close to me... or did he...? No, he couldn't have-

*flick* *flick*

The lights have been restored.

Ohhh, good. The lights are back on. I'll have to find out who he is.

[Odette's POV]

The lights are back on. Now I just have to watch out for myself. Hopefully I can catch the Murderer, or make up a deal with them.

I took my notes and my pen, in case I find evidence on the spot. Leaving the room, I expect nothing bad should happen- Wait, no... I should expect the worst to happen.

Something feels... off...

Hmm... I agree. The lack of people seems too uncanny. Is it still not safe outside? Or were they all still asleep and ignored that announcement earlier?

I took a peek in Room 2LC, and seems this is Prasiddhi's room. She is sleeping peacefully. Good for her, I cannot even sleep with all the recent happenings. I would assume most of them are probably asleep.

As if we're missing someone...

Who could it be? Wait- it cannot be-


"Who could that be?" I murmured, as I felt my blood rush through my body from the nervousness.

I headed to where that scream came from and it led me to one of the rooms. Kim-ly, Lukey, Charlie, Sabrina, Dan and Marley were already there.

"What is it, Kim-ly?" Dan asked.

"T-T-There's-" Kim-ly stuttered as she pointed out to the door, shaking as if she has seen a ghost.

Lukey opened the door and-

Rosalie died from the Murderer.

Huh?! What... I cannot believe what I just saw. Rosalie... is... dead...

Till No one RemainsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang