Role Mechanics

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The mechanics of the roles in the story are slightly different from the game. Here are the following changes in mechanics assigned to each roles:

-Receives clues (like color of hair, type of shirt, etc.) every night.

-Read the target's mind for the rest of the night. (Changing targets will lose their communication with the previous target.)

-Bug the target to identify who did they visit
-Gain access to their target's location

-Heal their target
-May self-heal themselves numerous times

•Medium (Replacing Savior)
-Hear ghosts through a ritual once

•Murderer (No changes)
-Attack one target per night

-Can only attack once (with lethality)

•Dark Psychic
-Works the same as the Psychic's mechanics above

-Works the same as the Spy's mechanic above

•Witch (No changes)
-Cancel their target's ability

•Clown (No changes)
-Drag someone down with them after accomplishing their specified goal

•Copycat (Fan-made role)
-Copy their target's role
-Only able to use their target's ability once

•Traitor (Fanmade role)
-Sabotage their target (ex: The medic's target will get killed)

Effects of Sabotage by the Traitor:
•Detective- All of the clues will be fake
•Murderer- Fails to kill their target
•Assassin- Traitor will gain intel about the Murderer
•Medic- Poisons their target
•Psychic/Dark Psychic/Spy/Scout- Will receive wrong intel
•Medium- Gets killed when ability is in effect
•Witch- Redirects the block to another target
•Survivor/Twin/Clown- No effect

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